You Weigh Less on the Moon

You Weigh Less on the Moon

I’ve struggled with body image as much as the next woman. In certain influencer, nutrition and health circles I find “skinny” is confused for “healthy”. When we talk about health and wellness, people assume we mean “thinness”, or weight loss.

And I want to confess something: I hate treating weight loss.

I love love love when people notice positive side effects from their treatment plans: they’re sleeping better, more relaxed, have better skin and yes, have even noticed some weight loss, but when weight loss is our primary goal, something we’re aiming for at all costs, (and this is the key point) beyond the weight OUR BODY WANTS to be for health, then I’m often stumped.

My goal is to support the healing process of the body, and to do no harm.

Fat, while vilified in our society, is not a 4-letter word. (I also mean that literally… it’s… a 3-letter word).

Our bodies love fat. Fat is stored energy. It’s your cushy bank account—resources saved for a rainy day.

It’s mental, emotional, and physical protection. Our cushioning protects us against falls.

It’s a storage reserve for reproductive needs (growing a baby’s brain and breast-feeding).

It’s the rubber insulation of the electrical wiring of our nervous system and brain. It’s brain mass.

It’s a layer of warmth.

Stress, famine, lack of sleep, inflammation, and hormonal resistance, are some common signals that tell the body to store and maintain fat.

Our bodies also have a set point range at which they feel most comfortable—and this set point, unfortunately for our Instagram followers, may be higher than society tells us it should be.

I have found in my practice that if we treat the underlying causes of fat gain: the inflammation, poor sleep, chronic stress, insulin resistance, etc., we might notice weight loss as a happy side effect of improved metabolic functioning.

Sometimes our bodies have experienced mental, emotional, physical or metabolic trauma and need to hold onto their protective layer a little while longer.

Maybe your body thinks you need a little softness…

I created a course: Intuitive + Mindful Eating, body image, metabolic health, hormones and more.

So, if another diet “failed”, trust me, that’s normal. It’s not your fault.

Diets don’t work.

In fact, in the long run they do the OPPOSITE of what their supposed to do: improve our metabolic health.

Instead they DAMAGE our metabolic health, through cyclical restriction (which often leads to binging and weight gain). And this leads to guilt, shame, and a poor relationship with our body image and food.

The solution is to work with your body where it’s at.

– Understand how your metabolism works, and learn about your Set Point Weight.

– Listen to your cravings and hunger cues and use them as tools for communicating with your body to heal your metabolism

– Make peace with your body size through developing Body Neutrality (easier to achieve than body positivity for a lot of people) and becoming more “embodied”–feeling at home in your body vs. trying to change it.

– Recognizing that you can feel at peace with your body where it’s at right now: and that losing weight (if it means working against your metabolism) won’t make you healthy. And it won’t make you happy.

– Making peace with food through Intuitive and Mindful Eating.

– Practicing gentle nutrition that honours hunger cues and cravings and keeps you fuelled throughout the day.

– Self-compassion

– Understanding how hormones play a role in body size and metabolism and how to nurture them to feel your best.

I cover all of this in more in my course You Weigh Less on the Moon.

Because it’s true, you do!

Are You Beach Body Ready?

Are You Beach Body Ready?


Have you heard of something called “self-objectification”?

It is the effect of moving through the world imagining how your body looks to others: perhaps checking yourself out in the mirror, adjusting clothing, taking selfies–the awareness of your body moving through space and the impact your “image” has on others. As if part of your consciousness is outside of yourself, looking in.

Self-objectification is so so common. We all do it.

Does my hair look ok?
Can you take another picture?
I wish my thighs were more toned.
Do this ____make my ____ look _____?

Remember when you were a kid and you just went to the beach? Or, maybe take a page out of Teddy’s book, in the first photo. She doesn’t care about her beach body. She just wants to be on the beach, running, free.

Self-objectification prevents us from being present, from enjoying life. It blocks creativity and flow state.

The remedy?

Body neutrality (the art of worrying about other things—how you look is truly probably the least interesting thing about you!)

How does my body feel?
What can my body do?
Am I hungry?
What food do I love to eat?
Am I thirsty?
What would I like to drink?
How does the sun or water FEEL on my skin?
How does the sand feel between my toes?
Can I taste the air on my tongue?
Do my muscles feel tense or relaxed?
Am I breathing from my belly or my chest?
Do I want to move or rest?

And so on.

No matter what, though, the beach is ready for you.

I created a course to introduce you to these topics and more. It’s called you Weigh Less on the Moon.

My Year of Living Ketogenically

My Year of Living Ketogenically

I review my adventurous year of living on the Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic Diet.

I’ve always had a sweet tooth.

I remember binging on Halloween candy as a kid, stuffing one tiny chocolate bar after another into my mouth, as fast as my little fingers could unwrap them, trapped in some kind of sugar-filled trance.

“Never get between Talia and her food!” My family would joke when my blood sugar would crash between meals and I’d rage towards the fridge for a snack to keep me sane.

I remember digging into the little bags of cheese popcorn reserved for school lunches, finishing off one after another and then hiding the wrappers in their big Costco box so that it would look like it was still full, the way rebellious teens top up empty vodka bottles with water.

I can gain weight with the drop of a hat (but also put on muscle fairly easily), and it takes concentrated effort and dedication to take it off.

After a period of temporary stress and bagel-related weight gain, I decided to embark on a bit of experimentation. Work was getting busy and I wanted to supply my brain with constant energy without having to take snack breaks every few hours. Also enticed by anecdotes of shattered weight loss plateaus, I decided to “go Keto”.

I like experimenting with diet. Like many health-conscious people, finding the right nutrition regime for me has been a process. In my teens I started controlling portions and switching out white breads for whole grain rye and Jolly Ranchers for carrot sticks. In my early 20’s, I was vegetarian. I tried being vegan for a while before deciding it was a disaster for my health when I began to experience nutrient deficiencies, weight gain, and hormonal issues.

Later on, I followed my naturopathic school classmates to a modified Paleo diet (keeping in some gluten-free grains and legumes), then moved to a more traditional Paleo diet (taking out the grains and legumes), before going back to the modified version (which is probably the best eating style for me—more on that later).

For the most part, my diet is comprised of whole foods, with lots of vegetables, but in the Fall of 2016, when this all began, I was in a pretty Standard North American place when it came to food intake. At the time I was suffering from IBS, some issues related to subclinical PCOS, and fatigue. I was also starting to see some signs of impaired glucose control.I wasn’t feeling good and I was in need of a kind of reset of sorts.

I was interested in seeing how relying on ketone bodies for fuel would help my body, mental performance, and improve my blood glucose control and symptoms. I have a family history of type II diabetes and I wanted to do what I could to prevent insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Drastic times call for drastic measures, I thought.

Ergo, The Ketogenic Diet.

About the Diet:

The Classic Ketogenic Diet was first developed in the 1920’s to treat children with medication-resistant epilepsy.

When our brains are starved of glucose, their preferred fuel source (our brains use up 60% of the body’s glucose), the liver creates ketone bodies from stored or dietary fat that the brain can use as a substitute source of energy.

One of these ketone bodies, beta-hydroxybutyrate, is thought to be a particularly therapeutic molecule for the brain, conveying anti-convulsive benefits, thereby helping to reduce the incidence of seizures in children who don’t respond to medication.

However, the original Ketogenic diet is more extreme than the general health and weight loss-aimed diet we see described in recipe books these days. The Classic Ketogenic diet consists of about 90% of calories coming from fat. In order to achieve that, followers need to severely restrict their protein intake, and virtually eliminate all dietary sources of carbohydrate, which drastically limits their nutrition choices.

Since, the benefits of beta-hydroxybutyrate are being studied for other neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, migraine headaches and narcolepsy. It’s being looked at as a potential treatment for mental health conditions, like autism and depression, and metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes, and even to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation treatments in cancer. Other studies are looking at its role in improving cognitive function in mice and humans.

Some research shows that beta-hydroxybutyrate can expand lifespan by interacting with genes that slow aging. It is also shown to confer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

In the 1970’s, Dr. Atkins responded to the high-carbohydrate, low-fat dogma of the nutrition world at the time, by bringing a modified Ketogenic diet into vogue. Restricting all forms of carbohydrates and encouraging a consumption of the still-vilified high-fat foods like bacon, eggs and cheese, Atkins affirmed that people could lose weight by eating fat, as long as they restricted carbohydrates at the same time.

The modern version of the Ketogenic Diet is slightly more health-conscious, promoting a higher intake of vegetables. The current diet restricts carbohydrates to under 20 to 50 grams per day, and encourages a high fat intake and a moderate protein intake, in order to encourage the body to turn to fat as its primary source of fuel. The current version of “Keto” is less strict than it’s initial epilepsy-treating incarnation, with anywhere from 60-85% of its calories coming from fat.

My Version of Keto:

I started the whole journey by tracking my food intake (using My Fitness Pal). My aim was to consume 20 grams of net carbs, or less, per day to push my body into using fat-turned-to-ketone bodies as a its primary fuel source.

Net carbs are calculated by subtracting dietary fibre from total grams of carbohydrates. For example, 1 cup of raw broccoli contains 6 grams of carbs. 2.5 of those are fibre. Therefore, the net carbs in broccoli are 3.5, which would count towards my net carb goal of 20 grams per day.

This isn’t easy. Take a look at any package of food you regularly consume. 1 cup of cooked oatmeal contains 23 grams of net carbs: 3 grams over my entire daily allotment. Therefore all high-carb foods like grains, legumes, starchy nuts, all fruits, and some starchier vegetables, were off limits.

Many people opt to test their blood, breath or urine for ketone bodies to determine whether or not their bodies are in ketosis. I dabbled in this, using the urinalysis strips in my clinic to test for urinary ketones. However, even though I was sticking to the diet, the strips would mostly turn up negative for ketones.

There are a few reasons why ketone strips may not be a reliable marker for ketosis. Firstly, the don’t test for beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the main ketone body utilized by the brain, but acetoacetate, another ketone body produced in the liver.

Secondly, urinalysis strips only test for urine ketone spillover. They don’t necessarily reflect blood levels, and they won’t pick up the ketones that are being utilized as fuel by the body. If cells are absorbing all the ketones the liver produces, urine testing may not be positive.

The most accurate, albeit more expensive, method for testing ketone bodies is through a skin-prick test that analyzes blood levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate.

While I knew that the urine strips weren’t highly accurate, not having my state of ketosis validated was discouraging. I was often left in doubt over whether things were “working”. I wondered if there was some other mechanism going on. Was my body finding carbohydrates from someplace else? Did I have Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth that was digesting my fibre and allowing me to absorb it somehow? Were my blood ketones being used up somewhere else (by the yeast in my gut, for instance)?

I did have signs of being in ketosis that I could watch for, however. When I avoid carbs, or fast for a few days, I start to develop a metallic taste on the tip of my tongue. It’s not a common sign of ketosis, a more common sign is a “nail polish” or “paint thinner” taste in the back of the throat, but still a symptom that some people report.

Keto Flu: 

During the first few days of switching to Low Carb High Fat, I had to white knuckle through a phase realistically termed the “Keto or Low Carb Flu”. This horrible phenomenon is thought to be a result of the body switching from burning glucose as its primary fuel source to adapting to ketone body production. There is often a painful adjustment period for brains that have to learn how to rely on ketones for their main fuel source after a lifetime of glucose abundance.

It was nasty. I felt intense hunger and sugar cravings, nausea, dizziness, and weakness—it truly was a “flu”.

I knew that I had spent most, if not all, of my life as a sugar burner. Before Keto, I would crave food even just two hours after a full meal. I would often feel “hangry”: dizzy and shaky in between meals, and irritable if made to wait for food for too long. I had been existing between carb-dense meals, experiencing insanity-inducing reactive hypoglycemia between my regular sugar fixes.

The more I read about others’ experiences, the more I was assured that the keto flu symptoms were actually a sign of my body healing. I was becoming adapted to other fuel sources, which was a good thing, I thought.

So, I muscled through and followed the online advice: I consumed more fat to provide more fuel to my brain, including medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, which is quickly absorbed by the lymphatic system and turned into ketones by the liver, and I consumed electrolytes, which are more rapidly excreted from the bodies of low carb dieters.

For some people, Keto flu can last for days, for others it lasts weeks. For me, the Keto flu thankfully only lasted two days, after which my body began to adjust and my cravings for sugar went down. I began to feel more energy, which felt encouraging.

Daily Meal Plan: 

For breakfast, I would typically eat a high-fat smoothie containing coconut milk yogurt, gelatin, and avocado, and topped with pumpkin seeds and cacao. Sometimes I’d make fat bombs or homemade unsweetened chocolate.

I’d have my second meal of the day in the mid-afternoon, around 2 to 3 pm, for which I’d consume a few cups of cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli or cabbage, with a fatty cut of meat like ground beef, chicken thighs, or salmon, all topped with liberal amounts of fat from coconut, olives, avocados, or grass-fed ghee. I made a lot of batch-cooked grain-free curries and stews.

If I had a third meal or snack in the day, it would be another serving of fat: a handful of macadamia nuts or a hunk of creamed coconut.

Eating this way made me feel like Obama and his grey suits—I didn’t have to plan my meals too carefully. All I had to do was eat fat. My food was so calorie dense and my blood sugar so stable that I didn’t need to eat often. This meant that I didn’t need to worry about bringing food with me everywhere I went; one meal could satiate me for half the day. Hunger was never an emergency situation, as it had been in the past. Hunger would come on very slowly, and it would never be “hanger”; my already low blood sugar had nowhere to dip to. If I needed more food, I could always wait until I got home to eat.

More Benefits: 

Within a few days, my PCOS- related cystic acne cleared. I also felt slimmer as some water retention deflated. This felt good. Our body stores carbohydrate in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles. Glycogen stores retain water.

When glycogen stores are used up, a rapid 5 or more pound drop in weight can occur. This is the “water weight” that people talk about losing when they first begin some kind of nutrition plan.

It’s also common to notice a drop in water weight from a decrease in inflammation, when embarking on a new eating plan. I know that I am sensitive to certain carbs and dairy and, because those things were out of my diet overall (although Keto can certainly include high-fat dairy products for those who can tolerate them), the water retention caused by chronic inflammation seemed to clear.

Although it seems to attract people primarily for its hip-slimming potential, the Ketogenic diet probably does not cause weight loss in and of itself. Instead, the diet encourages a passive reduction in calories by stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels, while promoting the intake of highly satiating foods containing protein and fat. Ketone bodies also have appetite-suppressing effects. Therefore, it’s probably a calorie deficit that causes the weight loss, rather than any specific biochemistry in the diet itself.

I didn’t lose much more weight than the water weight. However, my mood was brighter. I would wake up in the morning looking forward to the day, which often doesn’t happen in the winter. I felt more sustained energy throughout the day, and really enjoyed the decreased appetite, which led to more productivity.

I felt fine consuming two meals a day, able to get through hours of back-to-back patient visits without needing a snack or a break. It was actually incredible to need so few meals; it was like becoming another person, one no longer ruled by sugar cravings. I was like a camel, switching to stored fuel when the fat from my last meal had run out, and the transition was seamless. There was no wall to hit, and no hypoglcyemic crash to be seen.

I also noticed less bloating and digestive issues, probably from the lack of fermentation in my gut and the reduction in foods that tend to aggravate IBS, like certain vegetables, fruit, and legumes.

However, all was not roses on the Keto diet. While the first few months were dreamy, the longer I stayed on it the more I started to notice changes in my body that indicated the honeymoon period I was enjoying wasn’t going to last.

The Microbiome: 

The research is in: human beings probably need 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (roughly 5 cups), or 800 g, a day to get the most heart disease, stroke and cancer-preventing benefits that diet can afford us. The International Journal of Epidemiology concluded that, if the correlations found in their February 2017 study were causal, almost 8 million lives might have been saved in 2013 if everyone in the world had simply consumed their fruits and veggies.

It’s one thing all diets, even the faddy ones, agree on—from the Paleo Peeps, to Plant-Based Hippies, to Raw Macrobiotic Sun Worshippers, to Whole Foods Michael Pollen Omnivores, to the dejected nagged-at husband pushing brusselsprouts around on his plate—fruit and vegetables are good for you. You should eat them. If you’re a typical North American, you should probably eat more than you’re eating. The health value of everything else we eat seems to be up for debate: red meat, saturated fat, soy, bread, coffee. The benefits of eating enough fruits and vegetables, however? There’s no contest.

It’s hard to pick one way in which fruits and vegetables are so health protective. It could be because of their high concentrations of micronutrients, reducing the risk of common nutrient deficiencies, like magnesium and vitamin C. It could be because, if you’re filling your body with a kilogram of fruits and vegetables a day, you probably aren’t scarfing down an entire medium-sized pizza and supersized orange pop as well—there just isn’t room. It could also be the antioxidants they contain that protect cells against free radical damage, protecting DNA. Or perhaps its the fermentable fibres present in fruits and vegetables that feed our invaluable microbiome.

The problem with keeping net carbs under 20 grams a day was that I needed to restrict my fruit and vegetable intake. I was eating no fruit at all, and staying away from the starchier veggies, like carrots and beets. I still stuck to my beloved leafy greens and crucifates, but even eating 2 to 3 cups of those guys a day would push me to the upper limits of my carbohydrate intake, which meant I couldn’t eat them as liberally as I had been.

Getting enough vegetables and (any) fruits on the keto diet is hard, if not impossible. This can impact our ability to get the micronutrients we need, but also enough fermentable fibres from vegetables like garlic, onions, yams, Jerusalem artichokes, and legumes, which provide food for our microbiome.

Feeding our gut bugs is important. They benefit us in numerous ways, from digesting out food, to calming inflammation, to fuelling gut cells by producing a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. They help our immune systems function optimally. They produce neurotransmitters for our brains to work. They balance our stress responses and our circadian rhythms.

Jeff Leach, at the Human Microbiome Project speculates that the lack of dietary fibre in most low-carb diets may impact the health of the microbiome in negative ways by depriving the gut bacteria of their preferred food sources, as well as altering the acidity of the colon and intestines. He cites this article, in which obese subjects on a high-protein and low-carb diet had lower levels of butyrate in their bodies and intestines, likely due to decreased diversity in their guts.

There are, however, some studies that suggest that a Ketogenic diet can improve the microbiome in children with epilepsy, and autism, and some speculation by the researchers that that may be how the diets treat these conditions. However, since these studies are not done in “healthy” children, with an already healthy microbiota, it’s hard to extrapolate the findings to the healthy adult population.

Then there’s the fact that most studies that look at high fat diets and their impact on the microbiome are mostly done in rats. Of course, rats aren’t humans, despite there being relative genetic similarities. In these animal studies, researchers refer to “a high fat diet” when in fact they mean a high fat, high sugar diet. The sources of fat in these “high fat” mouse diets are often corn, margarine, or soy oil, which we know are highly inflammatory and offer few if any health benefits.

In other words, many studies on “high fat” diets are not looking at a relatively balanced Ketogenic diet that consists of vegetables, proteins, and healthy sources of fats from avocados, coconut, fish, olives, nuts and seeds and grass-fed meats.

Context is important as well. Is it the high fat diet that causes a reduction in gut diversity or the absence of fibre? This one mouse study showed that simply providing the mice with fibre in addition to their high fat diets decreased their risk of obesity.

I felt that my gut initially improved in the first few months on Keto: the diet was low in foods that aggravate me: namely refined carbs, sugar, gluten and dairy, as well as some of the fermentable fibres that can aggravate IBS. However, it never fully healed. After a few months, I started to notice the symptoms of bloating and digestive irregularities coming back.

Candida, a yeast that resides in the gut and can overgrow in the intestines in some people, especially the immunocompromised, causing symptoms of fatigue, IBS, and weight gain, among a variety of other symptoms, can survive on ketone bodies. Yeasts have mitochondria of their own. Some species of gut bacteria can consume protein, bile salts and even fats.

Contrary to what many claim, a Ketogenic diet doesn’t necessarily “starve out” the bad gut bugs. Combined with the lack of fibre to feed the beneficial gut bacteria and promote more bacterial diversity, a prolonged Ketogenic diet may be a recipe for gut dysbiosis.


Throughout my year spent in ketosis, I definitely noticed an improvement in my insulin signalling and glucose control, especially in the first few months. Looking at my blood work in March, after about a year of the Ketogenic diet (and then having been off it for a few months), my fasting insulin was very low and fasting blood glucose levels were in the low-optimal range. HOMA-IR, a calculation that is used as a marker of insulin resistance, was also low, indicating good insulin sensitivity.

I personally believe that this means that my risk for getting metabolic syndrome or type II diabetes is low, as long as I maintain this level of insulin sensitivity by watching the glycemic load of my diet and my stress levels.

The metabolic flexibility awarded to me from my year in ketosis also proved to be invaluable. Now, I no longer fear fasting and I can survive on other fuel sources besides sugar. My brain knows how to tap into stored and dietary fat more efficiently, and use those for energy. Even when not following any sort of low-carb diet, I noticed that I could survive between meals while travelling in Southeast Asia for two months, whereas normally I would have had to exist on unhealthy, sugary snacks.

However, after a few months on the diet, I began to notice a decline in my menstrual health. My cycles began to get longer, and soon I started missing periods. I noticed more hair falling out in the shower and more cystic acne developing on my chin. When I ran my blood estrogen and progesterone levels, I was surprised to see that their levels were very low.

We know that insulin, while often vilified as a “fat storage” hormone is actually responsible for storing everything, including nutrients. It also correlates with estrogen levels and the conversion of T4, one of our thyroid hormones, to its active friend, T3, which runs our metabolism. Insulin builds muscle, bone and brain cells. Very low insulin levels, in my case, were contributing to amenorrhea and a disruption in my sex hormones.

This wasn’t good.

While not quite the same as Intermittent Fasting (IF), Keto is often grouped into the same category because of its similar impact on blood glucose and insulin. The difference is that Intermittent Fasting induces ketosis through periodic food restriction, as opposed to carb restriction. Keto and IF often go hand in hand, however. The reduced hunger and high-nutrient density of the foods eaten on a Ketogenic diet often lend well to practicing intermittent fasting. It did in my case—I was only eating two main meals a day.

I always found it interesting, however, that most proponents of intermittent fasting are men. The male body appears to thrive in the fasted state, getting a boost of growth hormone and norepinephrine, both of which provide men with energy, motivation, and an improved sense of well-being.

This hormonal change may be a remnant of our ancestral hunter-gatherer days where it would be an advantage to feel motivated and energized to go out and hunt during periods of food scarcity.

I don’t think female bodies experience exactly the same effect. Some preliminary animal research tends to suggest that as well.

A few rat studies indicate that fasting may impair female insulin sensitivity, and induce amenorrhea, or missed periods. Female bodies rely on a consistent influx of calories and carbohydrates to stimulate insulin, which plays a role in stimulating thyroid hormones and estrogen, to continue to ovulate. Another study showed that fasting tended to “masculinize” female rats, lowering their female hormones, and increasing their levels of androgens, the male sex hormones, like testosterone.

Of course, these studies were done on fasted rats, which cannot be fully translated to the effects of Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic diets on women. However, some of these findings did validate my experience, which certainly wasn’t being validated in the podcasts and blog posts I was exposed to, largely written and followed by men.

I did experience positive hormonal effects: the increased insulin sensitivity and lowered blood glucose. However, I was not happy about my irregular cycles and estrogen deficiency.

Therefore, I decided to increase my carbohydrate intake, returning to a more moderate Paleo diet that consists of some fruit, starchier vegetables and legumes. After a few months, my periods returned to normal, my skin cleared up, my hair stopped falling out, and my thyroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone levels all returned to their optimal ranges.

I have still have low fasting insulin levels, suggesting that the Ketogenic diet did help to reset my insulin sensitivity and that this effect may be lasting.

Metabolic Health:

After a year of doing the Ketogenic diet, and then a few months of returning to a moderate-carb paleo diet, I tested my cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers. My HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol, to put it very simply) was high, my triglycerides (a risk factor for heart disease) were very low, and my LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol that statin drugs target) was also low. My inflammatory markers: C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), were also low.

While it is typically the monounsaturated fats, like olive oils and avocados, that are associated with increased levels of the heart-protective HDL cholesterol, even saturated fats from coconut oil can raise HDL. LDL is often lowered by these healthy monounsaturated fats, however saturated fats, even healthy ones, can raise LDL in certain individuals.

All else being equal, higher levels of LDL may not be as big of a problem as we think. Especially in the context of low risk factors, like low inflammation, absence of smoking and a healthy body weight. What’s more, the triglycerides and cholesterol/HDL ratio may be more important factors for determining heart disease risk. Further, assessing LDL particle size may also provide those concerned about their LDL levels with more information concerning their cardiovascular health. That being said, it is important to be aware that some of the fats present in a Ketogenic diet have the potential to raise blood levels of LDL in certain susceptible individuals, and that not everyone’s blood lipid results will look like mine.

Triglyceride levels are associated with liver function, and generally reflect dietary sugar, fructose and refined carbohydrate intake, rather than fat intake. Reducing refined dietary carbohydrates like white grains, flours and sugars is a good strategy for reducing triglyceride levels and reducing heart disease risk.

Some individuals can experience elevated levels of inflammation on a Ketogenic diet, depending on the quality of foods consumed. A Ketogenic diet low in fibre that fails to feed the microbiome; high in foods that a person may have an individualized sensitivity to (such as dairy, eggs, nuts or soy); or high in inflammatory fats like trans fats, and industrial oils like canola and corn oil, may all contribute to increased inflammation.

That being said, certain ketone bodies like beta-hydroxybutyrate may have anti-inflammatory properties. Many of the fats consumed in a mindful, whole foods Ketogenic diet, such as olives, avocados, seeds, salmon, and coconut, are also anti-inflammatory.

I found my blood markers a good indicator of the power of a high-fat, low-carb diet to, at least in my case, improve HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides, fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels. Whether I needed an entire year in ketosis, or whether I even needed to actually enter ketosis to receive these benefits, isn’t clear. Perhaps I could have gotten the same results by moderately lowering my carb intake while increasing my dietary intake of healthy fats.

Modified Ketogenic Diets:

While I do think I benefitted from entering into ketosis, I would not necessarily recommend a Ketogenic diet to patients unless to achieve some sort of therapeutic goal, such as improved insulin resistance, or for adjunct cancer care, to reduce inflammation, or to improve severe depression, migraines, or narcolepsy.

However, there may be a benefit to cyclical Ketogenic diets for memory and cognition, and increased life span in mice. Cyclical Ketogenic diets involve entering ketosis on alternate weeks. On the other weeks, participants return to a normal, whole foods diet that contains higher amounts of carbohydrates. In this case, individuals gets the benefits of beta-hydroxybutyrate production and increased metabolic flexibility on their weeks on, while also being able to eat a high amount of fermentable carbs and fibres on their weeks off, essentially getting the best of both worlds.

Adding medium chain triglycerides to food may also confer health benefits, similar to being on a Ketogenic diet. One study showed that adding MCT oil to a high-carb breakfast (pasta), reduced appetite in men. This is likely because, after burning through the glucose in the pasta, the men’s brains were able to access the ketone bodies that were made readily available by burning the MCT oil. This kept their brains fuelled and their bodies satiated for longer.

The men eating pasta and MCT oil in the study had a ketone blood level of 0.3, which is similar to that obtained from a diet that derives 10% of its calories from carbohydrates, which is an essentially a very low-carb, if not Ketogenic, diet. This may indicate that simply adding MCT oil to a moderate to low-carbohydrate diet, may confer some of the benefits of having a slightly higher rate of circulating ketone bodies without having to follow a strict diet. Again, following this strategy, you can get the best of both worlds: consume a diet high in fibre, while also getting a steady flow of ketone bodies to the brain.

Other interesting areas of research are the use of supplemental, or exogenous, ketones for therapeutic use, however the area is new and not something I currently recommend in my practice (although this may change when more research begins to emerge and better supplements enter the market).

My Plan Moving Forward? 

I’m happy that I gave the Ketogenic diet a try, but now I’m back to my more modified Paleo diet, aimed at promoting gut health, optimizing my micronutrient intake, regulating hormones, and supporting my energy levels. I now consume berries and apples, legumes, starchier vegetables and lean proteins more often and aim to get 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, with 8 to 9 of servings coming from vegetables, as opposed to fruit.

I currently start my day with a smoothie with berries, an avocado, spinach and protein powder. For lunch I have some sort of protein, fat, and tons of veggies. I eat more often than when I was in ketosis: about 3 meals a day with a vegetable and fat as a snack, or no snack at all in between, depending on my schedule.

My total daily carbohydrate intake falls around 100 grams a day with a net carb intake between 50 to 70 grams a day, depending on the fibre content of the vegetables, seeds, and legumes I’ve eaten that day. I try to get upwards of 30 grams of dietary fibre per day.

I avoid all sugar, including sweeter fruits like tropical fruits, and dried fruits, like dates. I especially stay away from refined sugars, even “natural” coconut sugars and agave. I avoid processed carbohydrates and flours. I mostly avoid grains, except when travelling or visiting someone’s house, getting my carbs from starchy vegetables and tubers, legumes and berries. I continue to avoid dairy (which I’m sensitive to), gluten, and processed industrial oils like canola, corn, and soy oil.

Right now, rather than focussing on macronutrient ratios, I’m directing my food intake towards obtaining the Recommended Daily Allowances of the micronutrients that run all of our cellular reactions, and the fibres that feed a healthy gut microbiota. I use an app called Cronometer to track this.

I definitely eat more fat than before, adding MCT oil to my morning smoothie, especially on days when I need to stay full and focused for longer. I also aim to do at least 12 hours of fasting a day, trying to get in 16-18 hour fasts where I can, ending dinner at 4pm, for example. I no longer do regular long bouts of Intermittent Fasting, particularly not when I’m feeling stressed and burnt out.

Would I Recommend the Ketogenic Diet to Patients? 

One of the main tenants of Naturopathic Medicine is “Do no harm”. While it may seem like making diet and lifestyle recommendations are relatively benign therapies, I believe that they do have the potential to do physical and psychological harm, particularly if they are strict recommendations.

Following a strict diet may have health benefits, but it also may isolate us from friends and family, frustrate us and restrict our intake of certain nutrients, like fibre, vitamins and minerals. This is one of the reasons I do not ever advocate a Vegan diet, although if patients are following one already, I believe in guiding them to optimize their nutrient intake.

Furthermore, at least in my personal experience, the cure was stronger than the disease. I probably didn’t need to do the Ketogenic diet for so long; this was evidenced by the hormonal imbalances that I began to experience towards the end of my year on the diet.

However, particularly for patients who are suffering from metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and insulin resistance or PCOS, there may be some powerful benefits to entering ketosis in order to dramatically reverse metabolic dysfunction. In this case, a modified regime combining Intermittent Fasting and cyclical Ketogenic diets could be beneficial.

Of course, it all depends on where patients are at in their nutrition journeys. Sometimes I meet patients who require, and respond well to, more heroic lifestyle interventions. Other times I meet patients relying on several sugary treats a day to get them through. In these cases, simply tweaking their diet in small ways, using baby steps may also have powerful disease-risk-reversing effects.

For more, catch the video.

Eat Less, Live Longer: The Therapeutic Benefits of Fasting

Eat Less, Live Longer: The Therapeutic Benefits of Fasting

In the past I used to suffer from “hanger”, feeling hungry and irritable if going more than a few hours without food. Now my body is adapted to fasting, going prolonged periods without food—and I feel all-the better for it.

When I was a kid, no one ever had to convince me to finish my dinner. Perpetually “hangry” (hungry and angry), I was the Tasmanian devil of snacking, vacuuming up whatever food substances crossed my path, leaving wrappers and crumbs in my wake. “Never get between Talia and her food,” my brother facetiously coined when, like a voracious bull, I would bully my way into the kitchen to fix myself an emergent after-school snack. From the moment I was born, it seems, going more than two hours without eating was a physical impossibility. “I’m sick with hunger,” I would complain whenever my blood sugar levels dipped.

Now I sit here writing this article, in my adult incarnation, comfortably having abstained from eating for more than 14 hours. Whereas before I couldn’t go more than 2 hours without some kind of sugary snack, my body is now adapted to thriving during prolonged periods without food—and I feel all-the better for it.

“Eat a snack every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar stable and lose weight,” dieticians and nutritionists often advise . However, as we dig into the disease prevention, anti-aging and weight management research, we learn that there may be benefits to going without food for prolonged periods.

We humans spent much of our evolutionary history hunting and gathering with extended periods of food scarcity. Our bodies adapted to survive through, and perhaps even thrive and depend on, periodic fasts. We now live in a society that enjoys food abundance: with 24-hour convenience stores and fast food restaurants at our disposal, we rarely go hungry. This recent lifestyle change may contribute to the increase in the diseases of excess that afflict modern bodies.

Ancient healing systems like Ayurvedic medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine have long recognized the benefits of fasting for purifying and healing the body. Today, a body of research is accumulating that suggests that fasting may help treat diseases like multiple sclerosis and cancer, reduce the risk of chronic metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, battle dementia and cardiovascular disease, and reverse the effects of aging, helping us live longer.

What Happens During Fasting: 

Human physiology fluctuates between two modes: the fasted and the fed state. After eating, a hormone called insulin rises in response to the intake of dietary carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, protein. Insulin allows glucose to enter cells where it can be used for energy. Insulin encourages the storage of body fat and glycogen—a molecule stored in the muscles and liver that can be broken down quickly for energy. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that promotes tissue building and growth.

Our bodies are in the fed state, or postprandial state, for up to 4 hours following a meal, when blood sugar and insulin levels rise and the body begins to store food energy. 4-6 hours after eating, our bodies enter the post-absorptive state. Insulin and blood sugar levels fall, and blood sugar is maintained through the breakdown of liver and muscle glycogen. At the 10-12 hour mark post-meal, the body enters the fasting state. At this stage, glycogen stores have been depleted and blood glucose is maintained through a process called gluconeogenesis: glucose is created from fat, lactate and protein. In the fasting state, the body taps into fat stores to create ketone bodies, which are used for fuel.

Approximately 24-48 hours after a meal, the body enters a state called autophagy (or self-eating). The body breaks down old, damaged cells into their proteins and reuses them to build new cells or for fuel, through gluconeogenesis. Autophagy has gained the attention of researchers who recognize its benefits for managing inflammation, slowing the effects of aging, and treating various chronic diseases, such as autoimmune disease and cancer—more on this later!

Fasting to Treat Cancer:

Valter Longo, PhD, at the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, examined the effects of 2 to 4-day fasts on patients with cancer who were undergoing chemotherapy. The study found that several days of fasting improved the efficacy of chemotherapy, while reducing its side effects, protecting healthy, non-cancerous cells. Healthy cells responded to the periods of food restriction by shutting down, protecting them from the toxicity of the chemotherapy. Cancer cells don’t have such a response, leaving them susceptible to the chemotherapy. “Cancer cells are dumb cells,” says Dr. Longo.

The fasting period not only improved the effects of cancer treatments, it stimulated the regeneration of the immune system through the creation of progenitor stem cells. Fasting cleared out damaged immune cells and cancer cells through autophagy and new cells were regenerated upon re-feeding. Dr. Longo and his team found that up to 40% of the immune system is rebuilt in mice after a fasting and re-feeding cycle.

Fasting Mimicking Diets:

Recognizing the difficulty in going 3 days without food, Dr. Longo developed a 5-day “Fasting Mimicking Diet” that allows for the consumption of about 700-1000 calories per day in the form of small snacks. The Fasting Mimicking Diet is low enough in calories, protein and carbohydrates to mimic the physiological conditions and benefits of fasting like autophagy, ketone body production, beneficial stress response, and cancer cell starvation.

Mice given the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) lost 30% of their body weight through the breakdown of body fat and clearing away of old, damaged cells. When the mice were re-fed, their blood, brain and bone cells were rebuilt. The mice who underwent the Fasting Mimicking Diet had rejuvenated immune systems, decreased incidences of cancer, reduced body fat, improved cognitive performance, decreased inflammation, and increased lifespans.

Fasting to Treat Autoimmunity:

Research in mice showed promising results in using the Fasting Mimicking Diet to treat multiple sclerosis, a debilitating autoimmune condition that attacks the nervous system. When following the diet, immune cells that were attacking the brain and spinal cord were destroyed. Upon re-feeding, new progenitor stem cells were created that repopulated the immune systems of the affected mice, and aided in repairing the damage to the brain and spinal cord. The Fasting Mimicking Diet resulted in a 20% reduction in autoimmunity in mice with multiple sclerosis.

A study that examines the effects of the Fasting Mimicking Diet on humans with Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disease the affects the digestive system, are currently underway.

Fasting to Reverse Aging:

Autophagy, the process of removed and recycling old and damaged cells, is a new area of research for reversing the effects of aging. Autophagy alleviates the body burden of senescent cells that have stopped dividing but are still robbing the body of essential nutrients and energy.

When cells become senescent, they release inflammatory mediators, which can damage neighbouring cells and cause inflammation and disease. Cellular senescence is thought to be one of the primary mechanisms by which we age. As we age, more cells become senescent, causing age-related inflammation. A study found that inflammation is the primary factor that drives the aging process, damaging DNA and contributing to various diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and autoimmunity.

The process of fasting and re-feeding stimulates the production of new, healthy progenitor stem cells in the immune system. Mice and human volunteers who underwent cycles of the Fasting Mimicking Diet had decreased numbers of myeloid cells, the inflammatory immune cells that become more numerous as we age, and increased numbers of cytotoxic T cells, which protect the body against viruses and cancer.

Fasting promotes longevity through its inhibition of Insulin-like Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1), a growth factor that promotes cellular growth, and prevents the death of senescent cells. Growth factors are important for growing babies and children, developing fetuses, boosting muscle, and growing new brain cells. However, growth factors like IGF-1 are negatively associated with longevity because of their potential to stimulate the growth of cancer and prevent autophagy. Mice whose growth factor-dependent genes were removed, or “knocked out”, lived 40-50% longer and suffered from less diseases as they aged. IGF-1 is stimulated by protein and carbohydrate intake; it is elevated in the fed state and inhibited when fasting.

Healthy humans who underwent cycles of the Fasting Mimicking Diet had lower risk factors that were associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, such as lowered blood pressure, reduced CRP (a marker of inflammation in the blood), and reduced fasting blood glucose levels. These markers remained improved even after the subjects returned to a normal diet, which indicates that fasting may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, promoting health longevity and increased lifespan.

Fasting for Energy and Resilience to Stress:

Hormesis is the process in which the body’s response to a stressor like the slightly toxic flavonoids in plants, intense exercise, or extreme temperatures, benefits the body as a whole. Hormesis is one of the reasons that exercise and green leafy vegetables are so good for us; they impose minor stressors on the body, boosting its healing properties, and improving resilience.

Fasting, in addition to other positive stressors, up-regulates a stress-response gene called FOX03. When FOX03 is activated, it produces proteins that reduce inflammation, increase anti-oxidant production, repair DNA, and increase cellular energy production through the creation of new mitochondria. Humans with a more active version of the FOX03 gene have an almost 300% chance of living to be over 100 years old.

Fasting also promotes a process called mitophagy. Similar to autophagy, mitophagy involves removing and recycling damaged mitochondria that are no longer able to effectively produce energy. Through activation of the FOX03 gene, more mitochondria are created to replace the old, improving energy production. The creation of new mitochondria only occurs in response to exercise, extreme temperatures, and periods of fasting.

Fasting for Weight Loss:

It doesn’t take a researcher to figure out an obvious truth about fasting: when you don’t eat, you lose weight. Dr. Jason Fung, MD, a Toronto-based nephrologist, prescribes fasting to his obese and diabetic patients. In his book, The Obesity Code, Dr. Fung discusses how the old paradigm of restricting calories for weight loss—eating 1500 calories a day while burning 2000, for example—is out-dated and ineffective for keeping weight off longterm. Dr. Fung argues that fat storage and breakdown are not the result of a simple calories in minus calories out equation, but the performance of a hormonal orchestra conducted by insulin. Insulin stores fat and glycogen, while inhibiting the release of fat breakdown. The body only begins to tap into its glycogen and fat stores when insulin drops during the post-absorptive and fasting phases after a meal. Once it depletes its glycogen stores, the body burns fat as its main source of fuel as long as insulin levels remain low.

According to Dr. Fung, fasting is superior to caloric restriction diets because it keeps insulin levels low for long enough to allow the body to deplete its glycogen stores and tap into fat. Fasting also releases surges of growth hormone, which prevents muscle loss, and norepinephrine, which boosts energy and feelings of well-being. Unlike caloric restriction diets, studies have shown that metabolism increases during and after fasting, preventing weight regain. Dr. Fung argues that fasting can spare muscle, boost metabolism, increase energy, and increase feelings of well-being, making it an effective tool for lasting weight loss.

Ways to Fast: 

While the health benefits may be numerous, fasting isn’t easy. The first time I tried a prolonged fast, all I could think about was food. Food was everywhere and the people around me seemed to be eating all the time. My body, accustomed to being constantly fed, wasn’t too happy with the sudden metabolic switch I was demanding from it. Many of our metabolisms have been trained to run on dietary carbohydrate and glycogen as their primary fuel sources, making the first few hours to days of fasting a challenge. However, there are many ways to ease into the practice of fasting. You can obtain Dr. Valter Longo’s Fasting Mimicking Diet kit from a healthcare provider through ProLon, or practice small intermittent fasts, such as Time-Restricted Feeding.

Time-Restricted Feeding: 

A researcher at the Salk Institute in Califoronia, Dr. Sachin Panda, PhD, found that restricting eating time had amazing health benefits in mice. Mice were fed an unhealthy diet of lard and sugar. The mice, as you might expect, had shorter lifespans and a variety of health problems: diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. However—and this part is miraculous—when Dr. Panda and his team restricted the time the mice were fed the exact same crappy diet to 12 hours (instead of allowing them to eat whenever they wanted), none of the negative health benefits occurred; the Time-Restricted Fed mice were 70% leaner, lived longer and were free from diabetes or heart disease.

Further investigation revealed that restricting feeding time to 8-12 hours a day, resulted in mice that had less body fat, improved muscle mass, decreased inflammation, increased cardiovascular function, increased mitochondrial function, higher levels of ketone body production, increased cellular repair processes and anti-oxidant production, and increased aerobic endurance. It was when the mice ate, not what they ate, that conferred these health benefits.

North Americans, on average, eat on a 15-hour clock. We seem to eat constantly, stopping only to sleep. To study the effect of Time-Restricted Feeding on humans, Dr. Panda had human participants restrict their food intake to 12 hours a day; if the volunteers had their first sip of coffee at 7 am, they were told to cease all food intake by 7pm. After the completion of the 16-week study, the volunteers lost 3-5% of their body fat without making a conscious change to their diets. The participants reported sleeping better and feeling more energized in the morning. They noted that their overall calorie consumption decreased by about 20% without effort.

Research into Time-Restricted Feeding indicates that allotting at least 12 hours a day to fasting boosts the body’s repair mechanisms, improves digestive function and motility, provides time for the body to switch to ketone body production (which tends to happen 10-12 hours after a meal), improves blood sugar control, regulates appetite, and enhances stress resilience. Taking a break from eating allows the body to invest its energy into repair, rather than digestion. The best part about Dr. Sachin Panda’s research is its simplicity; to obtain all of the benefits, simply avoid after-dinner snacks!

Intermittent Fasting: 

Similar to Time-Restricted Feeding, Intermittent Fasting plays with the ratio of fasted to fed hours. Proponents of Intermittent Fasting refrain from eating from 12 to 23 hours within a 24-hour period. A common ratio of fasted to fed time is 16 to 8 hours: fasting for 16 hours a day and eating within an 8-hour window. For example, if breakfast is at 8am, then those following a 16:8 intermittent fast stop eating by 4pm in the afternoon.

Alternate Daily Fasting or the 5:2 Diet: 

Studies with mice and human subjects found that alternating daily food intake, or following a 23:1 fast (having just one meal a day) every second day, was effective for weight loss. The protocol is beautifully simple: every second day either fast completely or indulge in only one meal. While people tend to eat more on their “fed” days, they don’t seem to make up the calories that are lost on the fasting days, resulting in an overall reduction in calories and weight loss.

Water Fasts:

It’s estimated that we need to fast for at least 36 hours to get the autophagy benefits, which makes water fasting a powerful therapeutic and anti-aging practice. Water fasting is simple: withstand extended periods, usually 3 to 5 days, but often longer, only consuming water.

The longest recorded water fast was 382 days, performed in 1973 by a 27-year old male who weighed 456 lbs. During the months he fasted, the 27-year old consumed only water and a multivitamin and, according to the study published on him, experienced “no ill-effects”. While water fasts can have amazing therapeutic benefits, it is advised that they be medically supervised.

Ketogenic Diets: 

Ketogenic diets are high-fat diets that restrict carbohydrates and limit protein, and can mimic the low-insulin conditions of fasting. Because carbohydrates and protein are restricted, the body is forced to turn dietary fat into ketone bodies, which it can use for energy.

Ketone bodies, especially beta-hydroxybutyrate, produced from either dietary or body fat, have important therapeutic uses. They provide more energy for the brain than glucose, which can have benefits for memory, mood, concentration and cognitive performance. Ketogenic diets have been recommended for treatment-resistant epilepsy, and diseases associated with cognitive decline like Alzeimer’s and Parkinson’s. More recently ketogenic diets have been recommended for mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

Ketone bodies also help cells resist oxidative stress, preventing cellular damage, which makes ketogenic diets of interest to cancer researchers because or their ability to starve cancer cells of protein and carbohydrates, while fuelling healthy cells.

Ketogenic diets can deliver many of the benefits of fasting because of the low-insulin, low growth factor conditions they induce. When a person becomes “keto-adapted”, able to burn ketone bodies efficiently for fuel, the transition to fasting is easy. For this reason, ketogenic diets and fasting often go hand-in-hand.


While fasting can deliver many health benefits, it can impose a temporary stress on the body for those who haven’t adapted to ketosis or prolonged periods without food. Therefore, it’s important to fast under the supervision of a medical professional, especially if deciding to embark on an extended fast.

Before deciding to fast, the individual’s energy levels and vitality, health status, hormone regulation (those who are taking insulin should practice extreme caution when fasting), age, health history, and health goals, should all be considered. A woman of fertility age will have different health goals than a 72-year old woman with type II diabetes. The former may want to preserve body fat and promote fertility and ovulation, while the latter may want to reduce her insulin and growth factor levels, and lose weight in order to promote health longevity.

Fasting may not be appropriate for everyone. For example, those who are underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from an eating disorder should not fast. Fasting in women of reproductive age has the potential to produce hormonal imbalances such as hypothalamic amenorrhea (irregular or absent menstrual cycle). Fasting can exacerbate or cause dysregulation in stress hormones, particularly cortisol, known as “adrenal fatigue”, and potentially effect thyroid function, as a result of the body’s starvation response. Fasting while under the pressure of chronic mental and emotional stress is probably not a good idea. Working with a professional and listening to your body are key elements to doing fasting right.

However, when used correctly, it can be a simple, free, powerful therapeutic tool for healing the body, treating chronic disease, and promoting longevity.



A Naturopathic Approach to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age and can result in weight gain, infertility, acne, irregular cycles and unwanted hair growth. I talk about a naturopathic and functional approach to managing symptoms of PCOS and restoring hormone balance.

Hello, everybody. My name is Dr. Talia Marcheggiani. I’m recording to you guys from my clinic in Bloor West Village. It’s called Bloor West Wellness Clinic. And today I want to talk to you guys about one of my favourite conditions to treat when it comes to naturopathic medicine. And this condition is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And this is an endocrine, or hormonal condition, and it affects about 10% of women. It’s the most common cause of hormonal imbalance in women of menstruating age. And it’s a syndrome, so it’s not a disease. There’s a different constellation of symptoms that arise with it and this could be one of the causes of infertility in a lot of women. And because the symptom pictures are so diverse, it’s really hard for a lot of women to be suspected for a diagnosis of PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

So, PCOS, the hallmark, the diagnostic criteria, based on the Rotterdam Criteria, is having either two of these three symptoms: anovulation or oligomenorrhea, which means having periods that are irregular. So, either having more than one period per month or missed cycles and long cycles of 6 weeks or more. The average female menstrual cycle is about 26-34 days, so having periods outside of that “normal” range could indicate one of the symptoms of PCOS. The other one is something called “hirsutism”, which is caused by high androgens, or male sex hormones, like testosterone or DHEA. And some of the symptoms of that are acne, so hormonal acne, those pustular, cystic acne that happens around the chin and jaw-line, or the chest and back. And “hirsutism”, which is the male-pattern hair growth, which is great, if you’re a woman, to have, which is the hair on the mustache and chin. So, you kind of sport a Frida Kahlo mustache and probably have to deal with that on the regular. Similarly, having hair loss on the scalp, is another sign. So, when you think of men, men will typically experience male-pattern hair loss, and hair-growth in the facial area.

And the third symptoms is the presence of cysts on the ovaries, which is diagnosed or sighted with a transvaginal ultrasound. There’s a scope placed through the vagina and an ultrasound is done to see if there are cysts on the ovaries.

It can also be diagnosed with lab work, so that’s not using the Rotterdam criteria, but there are two hormones that the brain makes that control the ovaries and these are called FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, and LH, lutenizing hormone. The brain makes the hormones and they tell the ovaries when to ovulate and the ovaries also make LH, lutenizing hormone after they’ve ovulated, or after the corpus luteum forms, after ovulation should happen, so whether the egg is fertilized or not, the corpus luteum will form.

And so PCOS is probable when you order labs and find that, so the FSH and LH should be almost the same, they should be at a 1:1 ratio and PCOS suspect when the LH to FSH ratio is 2:1 or higher. So you have either 2 or more times the LH than you have FSH. And this is because in PCOS, the ovaries will secrete a lot more LH and that is one of the reasons why they hypothesize that there are high androgens, because the LH can stimulate more androgen release.

So, there’s a “skinny PCOS”, so these are women with those symptoms that don’t experience obesity or metabolic syndrome, and then there’s the metabolic syndrome type of PCOS and in these patients there’s an insulin-resistance present, or a glucose-intolerance. And so these women will frequently experience hypoglycaemic crashes. They’ll also probably be on the obese side and really struggle to keep weight off and they’ll experience the low energy, the cravings for carbs. They’ll experience the hunger that comes two hours after a meal, despite having eaten an adequate amount of fat and protein, and this is really problematic for them because they’re set up for diabetes and for cardiovascular disease down the line. And then they’re also experiencing symptoms of obesity and they’re not super happy with how they look.

And we’re not exactly sure what causes PCOS in women. There’s evidence for it being heritable, so genetically passed on. There’s evidence for it being caused by insulin-dysregulation, and perhaps the ovaries are not responding properly to insulin. What insulin does, is it helps us take in fuel or glucose into our cells and, just like all the cells in our body, the ovaries require insulin to absorb glucose so that they can function properly. And so one of the theories of PCOS is that the ovaries are resisting insulin and the insulin is signalling them to grow, but they’re growing in the absence of proper fuel, or proper glucose as fuel and so they’re creating these follicles, or cysts.

And so, absence of periods, or irregular periods; male-pattern hair growth; obesity; infertility and then the presence of those cysts on the ovaries are all symptoms of PCOS. So, when we’re trying to get a diagnosis, we’ll send patients in for a transvaginal ultrasound. We’ll also look at their fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin. We’ll look at their progesterone and estrogen, because oftentimes these women are suffering from estrogen-dominance: there’s low progesterone and high estrogen in relation to the levels of progesterone. We’ll look at their FSH and their LH, and I’ll also check out their thyroid because oftentimes the symptoms of hypothyroidism and PCOS are overlapping and so I want to find out if there’s a thyroid pathology happening in the background.

So, one of the main reasons that women will come in with PCOS is because they’re trying to get pregnant, or they want to preserve their fertility in the future. They might come in for acne issues or the hair growth, or just to sort out their periods, but the main reason that they come in is fertility. And 40% of women with PCOS do experience infertility or fertility challenges. So this is a big issue for them.

And the reason I love treating PCOS in my practice is I find that, and this is sort of perhaps not technical or scientific, but I find that the personality of women with PCOS tends to be more phlegmatic, so they’re usually more agreeable, and happier and patients that really want to do good work and so it’s really enjoyable to work with them. But also, the reason I love treating patients with PCOS is because there are so many effective strategies that naturopathic medicine offers and I don’t see an equal amount of strategies in the conventional system.

And I’ll talk a little bit about some of the conventional therapies of PCOS. So, what happens is, in conventional therapy, is they kind of look at the symptoms in the syndrome spectrum and they kind of try to deal with each symptom individually. So they look at irregular periods and they’ll prescribe a birth control pill. So, like, “ok, we’ll just over-ride your own hormonal production and we’ll control your periods and get you cycling regularly”, which obviously doesn’t treat the underlying hormonal imbalance, because you’re just placing exogenous, fake hormones on top of the picture.

Or they’ll say, “ok, there’s blood-sugar dysregulation, so I’m going to prescribe a diabetic medication called ‘metformin’, which will help resensitize your cells to insulin”, which again is not the best strategy, although there’s some evidence to support that this helps. But, we’re not again treating the underlying issue of insulin resistance and metformin is pretty toxic to oocytes, or ovarian cells, so when you’re treating infertility you’re not setting the body up for healthy ovulation and producing a healthy baby. So, ehh, metformin.

And then we have, they’ll treat the high androgen symptoms, the hirsutism symptoms, the hyperandrogenism, by prescribing spironolactone, or Yas or Yasmin birth control pills, that block androgens. And, again, not the best strategy because it’s not treating the underlying cause, and there’s some evidence that Yas and Yasmin are one of the oral contraceptive pills that set you up for a higher risk of blood clots compared to other pills. So, women who are taking these are slightly higher than normal, compared to other birth control pills, risk of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thromboses, and those kind of blood clotting issues, which could be fatal. So, that’s an issue, right? And, again, not treating the underlying cause.

So there’s not that many great therapies and they’re not holistic. They’re not looking at the whole picture, they’re kind of reactionary and they’re just treating the symptoms. And then in terms of fertility, so women will undergo IVF treatments or they’ll be prescribed ovulation drugs like Clomid, which increase estrogen and get your body ovulating, kind of forcing ovulation to happen and again can be an issue because these women with PCOS are having sometimes an estrogen dominance picture, so their estrogen is high in relation to their low progesterone and so adding more estrogen-promoting drugs like clomid could just make life a mental and emotional disaster for these women while they still have the drug in their bodies. That could happen to a lot of women, but, again, not the best. It could achieve the end goal of getting pregnant, by increasing your chances, but we’re not looking at what’s going on.

And so, what happens, if when I first see a patient with PCOS, we’ll run the labs, or I’ll get the labs that their family doctor has run, if that was done recently, and we’ll take a look at their symptoms, so I’ll ask them how their periods are, and if they get PMS symptoms, and how often their periods come. And I’ll get them to track their periods, so I can see are they happening regularly, and they’re just very far apart? Or are they all over the place? We’ll look at their FSH and their LH, to see if they have that classic high LH to FSH ratio, and we’ll look at their insulin and fasting blood glucose and their testosterone. And I’ll ask them about symptoms, like acne and hair growth and we’ll talk about weight loss and if they’re getting those hypoglycaemic or insulin resistance symptoms. And we’ll talk about mood and emotions and digestion as well, which I talk about with all my patients, and energy and things like that, because we want to get a holistic picture and we want to —the reason is when I’m treating people I’m treating from the premise that it’s possible to be healthy and we can influence our health and the more I examine healthcare, and the healthcare model that is conventional, the more I doubt that that’s the premise that they’re standing on. Right? They’re kind of looking at making symptoms manageable, or maybe achieving outcomes or end goals, or preventing death and things like that, but they’re not coming at health conditions from a place of: “this person can influence the situation that they’re in through targeting and trying to understand the root cause of what’s going on, and then treating that.” So that’s where I’m coming at it. I’m looking at the whole picture, and I’m trying to understand this person’s unique hormonal imbalance and what the symptoms are that manifest from that.

Then it comes to choosing a treatment plan, so there’s lot of treatment that have a robust amount of evidence surrounding them and so you frequently hear people say that naturopathic medicine, or functional medicine, of these natural forms of medicine have no evidence and they’re pseudoscientific, well there’s tons of evidence for increasing fertility and improving PCOS using natural remedies, like nutriceutical remedies and herbal remedies.

So, first of all we have something called inositol. Inositol acts like a sugar in the body and what it does is it re-sensitizes the ovaries to insulin and serves as a fuel for the ovaries. And inositol doesn’t have much of a taste, it doesn’t have any side effects. It actually has some positive effects in helping with bipolar disorder and psychosis and those kind of mental health disorders, so if those are comorbid, then it’s great. If you have PCOS and you have bipolar, then inositol is a great choice. And with inositol, there’s some studies that show that in 3 months of supplementing with inositol periods have become regular, hyperandrogenism symptoms have gone down, so the acne and hair growth, and women had a 1 in 2 chance of getting pregnant. And then another 3 months of that, and their chances went up. So, inositol on its own is pretty powerful.

Another nutriceutical is N-acetyl cysteine, so NAC, which helps the liver clear out hormones and rebalance hormones and another great remedy for PCOS. We’re not exactly sure how it works, but there’s some theories about it rebalancing hormones, and perhaps through it’s antioxidant activity, because NAC creates an antioxidant, the main antioxidant in the body called “glutathione”. So, probably through its antioxidant activity, it’s helping the mitochondria, those fuel-houses for the cell, work better.

Another thing, when it comes to PCOS are some herbal remedies. So there’s an herb called vitex that helps establish a healthy hormonal estrogen and progesterone balance and that could be appropriate for some women. And there’s some studies using white peony and licorice that can help lower those hyperandrogenism symptoms. And then there are some herbs like saw palmetto that can help balance those high androgens as well, as they bind up testosterone and DHEA in the blood, so they increase something called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and that can help clear out excess testosterone.

So those are just a few of these herbal and nutriceutical remedies that can be helpful in PCOS and I might prescribe some B-complex or some magnesium depending on how the adrenal glands are functioning and how hormones are cycling. And another thing we really like to do is tackle PCOS with diet and improve that blood-sugar balance if some of those insulin resistant symptoms or metabolic syndrome symptoms are there. And there’s a great study that shows that front-loading, so really increasing the calories that women are eating in the morning, having moderate calories at lunch and then having a lower or lighter dinner, kind of a snack for dinner, is really helpful in promoting fertility, lowering those androgens, resensitizing the ovaries and the other cells in their bodies to insulin and thereby resetting the hormonal stage. Really cool that this study just by changing your diet, although not the easiest change, is helpful for balancing hormones and you’re not doing something toxic, like the birth control pill or metformin, or something like that.

Also, a paleolithic diet, so changing the glycemic index of your diet by choosing fruits and vegetables that are lower on the glycemic index, so those leafy greens and adding fat and protein to every meal. It’s difficult as a vegetarian to shift hormones for the better and so I often recommend a more paleolithic diet to women, however, vegetarians, it is possible to increase your protein, it just takes a little bit more of conscious effort. And the reason that paleo diet is helpful is because it is lower glycemic index and has those higher fruits and vegetables with their antioxidant properties, but it also promotes the healthy fats and having an adequate intake of lean protein, such as your chicken, fish, lean beef, or eggs and even some dairy products depending on how someone tolerates that. And the last thing I’m going to talk about—this is just sort of a PCOS overview—the last thing I’m going to talk about is, with my patients I always work on self-care and stress relief because we know that the stress hormone cortisol can really mess up the other hormones in our body. It can contribute to insulin or worsen insulin resistance. It can worse that estrogen-dominance picture, it can prevent us from making enough progesterone because the progesterone and the cortisol pathway follows the same pathway and so that could be problematic if we need more progesterone but we’re using all of the resources to make it on making cortisol to deal with our stressful lifestyle. And a big part of managing PCOS, I find, is just getting cortisol under control and that might include increasing self-care, getting into things like yoga or meditation or doing some shin-rin yoku, like in the other video where I talk about Japanese Forest Bathing, so spending time in nature. That could be walking in the woods, or gardening, even watering a plant or hanging out with a pet or animal. Doing these things that feel nurturing and feel supportive to the mind and the emotions and help us face the daily stressors that we face with more resilience are all great strategies for managing hormonal health.

So, if you have any questions, just send me an email at or you can check out my website at and my blog for other articles on hormonal balance, such as estrogen dominance, choosing an oral contraceptive pill, if you need one, and another article that I wrote about PCOS.

Have a great day, and I’ll see you guys soon.


On Emotions and Eating

On Emotions and Eating

emotionsMy mother tells a story about my childhood where she is standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner. I stand below her, tugging at her shirt, and begging for food.

“I’m hungry”, I say, according to her recollection of that moment and many others like it; she says that as a child I was always preoccupied with food. My constant yearning for something munch got to the point where every time she tried to cook dinner, I’d follow her to the kitchen, like a hungry dog, and persistently beg for food. I was insatiable, she claims. But, as an adult looking back I wonder, insatiable for what?

I remember that moment, but from the third person perspective. So I wonder if it’s as past events sometimes go, where the telling of a memory from an outsider’s perspective serves to reshape it in the imagination. I can feel the emotions, however, watching my 4-year old form tugging on my mother’s clothing, her body towering over me, her face far away. She stands at the stove. I remember feeling full of… what was that yearning? Was it for food? Was it hunger for physical sustenance or nutrition from some other source? I wonder if the constant, nagging hunger was an articulation, in 4-year old vocabulary, of the need for something else: attention, affection or reprieve from boredom. I remember being told at one point that my favourite show was on and felt some of the anxiety of missing what I was lacking dissipate: a clue.

As a child, adults occupy the gateway to food. As adults, the gateways take on another form. Perhaps it is anxiety about body shape or the guilt of knowing that eating too much of a certain kind of thing isn’t nutritious. Perhaps the barrier to sustenance is financial. However, when I stand now in the kitchen, bent over the fridge, arm slung over the open door, contemplating a snack, I know that I am making a choice. And, for myself, as for many others, it’s not always clear whether the call to eat is hunger and physiologically based.

In the west, we have an abundance problem. More and more adults are reaching obese proportions. Metabolic diseases of excess like diabetes and cardiovascular disease are increasing and more and more women are experiencing the hormonal dysregulation that can come from carrying more body fat.

While I don’t recommend aspiring to the emaciated standard that we see plastered on magazines, Pinterest ads or runways, I do think that, for many people, balancing energy intake with energy output could be beneficial for optimal health and hormonal signalling. Body fat is metabolically active. It also stores toxins and alters that way our body metabolizes and responds to hormones, insulin being just one example, estrogen being another. Therefore, conditions like PCOS, infertility, diabetes, PMS and dysmenorrhea, or certain inflammatory conditions might benefit from a certain amount of weight loss.

An addition here: this post is not about body-shame or even necessarily about weight loss per se. It’s about overcoming emotional eating patterns that might even derive from the same disordered patterns that manifest in anorexia or bulimia. The goal of this post is to bring more awareness to how we operate within the complex relationships many of have with food and with our own bodies.

There are many reasons why we eat and physiological hunger is only one of them. Tangled up in the cognitive understanding of “hunger” is a desire for pleasure, a desire to experiment, to taste, to experience a food, to share with family and friends, to enjoy life. There are also deeply emotional reasons for wanting food: to nurture oneself, as reward, to combat boredom and to smother one’s emotions like anxiety, depression, ennui, yearning for something else— we often eat to avoid feeling.

Health issues aside, I believe that Emotional Eating (as it’s so-called) is problematic because it dampens our experience of living. By stuffing down our emotions by stuffing our faces we prevent ourselves from feeling emotions that it might be beneficial for us to feel in order to move through live in ways that are more self-aware, mature, self-developed and meaningful. While some emotional reasons to eat might be legitimate (acknowledging your beloved grandmother’s hard work by having a few bites of her handmade gnocchi, for instance), many of the reasons we eat linger below the surface of our conscious mind, resulting in us suffering from the consequences of psychological mechanisms that we are unaware of. I believe in making choices from a place of conscious awareness, rather than a place of subconscious suffering.

In heading directly into the reasons I am tempted to emotionally eat, I’ve learned quite a lot about myself. I’ve ended up eating less, as I’ve become more aware of the non-hunger-related reasons that I reach for a snack, but that doesn’t have to be the end goal for everyone. I believe that just understanding ourselves through uncovering and analyzing the emotions that influence our everyday behaviours can have life-changing effects; it allows us to know ourselves better.

As I work through the process of understanding why I overeat, I’ve realized there are a few steps to address. I believe that there are layers to the reasons we enact unconscious behaviours and first, it is important to untangle the physiological from the emotional reasons for eating, understand what real hunger feels like, address the “logical” reasons for overeating and then, when ready, head straight into the emotions that might cause overeating to occur

  1. Distinguishing between physiological hunger and emotional hunger:

The first step, of course, is to distinguish between physiological/physical hunger—the body’s cry for food, calories and nourishment—and emotional hunger. Typically, physiological hunger comes on slowly. It starts with a slow burn of the stomach, growling, a feeling of slight gnawing. It grows as the hours pass. For some it might feel like a drop in blood sugar (more on this later): feeling lower energy, dizzy and perhaps irritable. Physiological hunger occurs hours after the last meal, provided the last meal was sufficient. Usually, if one drinks water at this time, the physiological hunger subsides and then returns. Essentially, eating a meal or snack will result in the hunger vanishing and returning again still hours later.

Emotional hunger, however, is different. It starts with an upper body desire to eat. It might be triggered by commercials, social situations, or certain strong emotions. There might be cognitive reasons to eat (“I might be hungry later” or, “Oh! We’re passing by that taco place I like!”) that are not directly guided by the physical desire for sustenance. Emotional eating is often felt in the mouth, rather than the stomach. It might be brought on by the desire to taste or experience the food, rather than to fill oneself. The cravings might be specific, or for a certain food-source, such as cookies (this is not a hard and fast rule, however). Emotional hunger does not vanish from drinking water. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly, and is often not relieved by eating the prescribed amount of food (having a full meal); oftentimes we finish lunch only to find ourselves unable to get the cookies at the downstairs coffee shop out of our heads.

2. Settling hormonal reasons for overeating: serotonin, insulin, cortisol:

Not all physiological hunger, however, is experienced as the slow, gnawing, slightly burning, grumbling stomach sensation described above. Sometimes we experience the need to eat because our blood sugar has crashed, or our neurological needs for serotonin have gone up. We might eat because stress hormones have caused blood sugar to spike and then crash. We might also experience certain cravings for food because our physiological needs for macronutrients; like carbs, fat or protein; or micronutrients, like sodium or magnesium, have not been met.

Therefore, it becomes essential to address the hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies that might be causing us to overeat. Oftentimes, getting off the blood sugar rollercoaster is the first step. This often involves a combination of substituting sugar and refined flours for whole grains, increasing fats and protein, and, of course, avoiding eating carbohydrate or sugar-rich foods on their own. It often involves having a protein-rich breakfast. I tend to address this step first whenever my patients come in and express feeling “hangry”: irritable and angry between mealtimes.

Often drops in brain-levels of serotonin cause us to crave carbohydrate-rich foods. This is very common for women experiencing PMS. In this case, balancing hormones, and perhaps supplementing with amino acids like l-glutamine, tryptophan and 5-HTP, can go a long way.

One of the questions I ask my patients who crave a snack at 2-3 pm (a mere 2-3 hours after their lunchtime meal), assuming their lunch contained adequate nutrients, is “Do you crave, sugar, caffeine, salt or a combination of the above?” Cravings for sugar or salt at this time might indicate a drop in cortisol and give us a clue, combined with the presence of other symptoms, that this person is in a state of chronic stress, burnout or adrenal fatigue. In this case, it is essential to support the adrenal glands with herbs, nutrients, rest, and consuming adequate protein during the afternoon crash.

Finally, when it comes to cravings for foods like chocolate, meat or nuts, or even specific vegetables (when living in South America I would experience over-whelming cravings for broccoli, funnily enough), I find it important to identify any nutrient deficiencies. It is common to experience a deficiency in something like magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K; and our bodies will do their best to beg us for the specific foods they’ve come to learn contain these nutrients. Either consciously eating more of these foods (like brazil nuts in order to obtain more selenium), preferably in their healthiest form (such as dark chocolate, as opposed to milk chocolate, to obtain magnesium), or directly supplementing (in the case of severe deficiency), often results in the cravings diminishing.

3. The Hunger Scale and food diaries:

One of the first things I have patients do is understand the Hunger Scale. There are a variety of these scales on the internet that help us cognitively understand the stages the body goes through on its quest to ask for food and it’s attempt to communicate fullness. Being able to point to certain levels of hunger and fullness and pinpoint those physiological feelings on the Hunger Scale allows us to further flush out the subtleties between a physical or emotional desire for food.

Food diaries, I find, can help bring more awareness to one’s daily habits. Oftentimes, keeping a food diary for a few weeks is enough for some patients to drop their unwanted eating behaviours altogether. Other times, it can help us detect food sensitivities and unhealthier eating patterns or food choices. It also helps me, as a practitioner, work off of a map that illustrates a patient’s diet and lifestyle routines in order to avoid imposing my own ideas in way that may not be sustainable or workable for that particular individual.

A word about diet diaries, however: when recording food for the purpose of uncovering emotional eating behaviours, I often stress that it is important to record every single food. Sometimes people will avoid writing in their diary after a binge, or outlining each food eating when they feel that they’ve lost control, writing instead “junk food”. Guilt can keep us from fully confronting certain behaviours we’d rather not have acted out. However, I want to emphasize that the diary is not a confession. It’s not, nor should it be, an account of perfect eating or evidence that we have healed. Keeping a diet diary is simply a tool to slow down our actions and examine them. It’s a means of finding out how things are, not immediately changing them into what we’d like them to be. This is an important reminder. The best place to start any investigation into being is from a place of curiosity. Remember that the point of this exercise is to observe and record, not necessarily to change, not yet; it is very difficult or even, I would argue, impossible to completely eradicate a behaviour if the reasons for engaging in that behaviour escape our conscious awareness.

Therefore, recording food allows us to begin to poke at the fortress that contains the subconscious mind. We start to slow down and uncouple the thoughts and emotions from the actions that they precede and, in doing so, develop some insights into how we work. It can also help to start jotting down other relevant points that might intersect with what was eaten. These pieces of information might include time of day, where you were, what thoughts were popping into your head, and how you felt before and after eating the food. As we observe, more information begins to enter our conscious experience, allowing us to better understand ourselves.

4. Pealing back the layers: Understanding the “practical” and logical reasons for overeating:

One of the things that I have noticed, through my own work with addressing emotional eating, is that there are often layers to the “reasons” one might overeat. Some of the first layers I encountered were cognitive, or seemingly “logical” reasons. For example, I noticed that before eating without hunger I might justify it by thinking “I need to finish the rest of these, I don’t want them to go to waste”, or “I’ll finish these in order to clean out the container”, or “I should eat something now so I won’t be hungry later”, or “I didn’t eat enough (insert type of food) today so I’ll just eat something now, for my health”, or “If I don’t have some (blank) at so and so’s house, she’ll be offended”.

When looking more closely into these justifications, I found them to be flawed. However, they were logical enough for me to eat for reasons other than to satisfy a legitimate, physiological yearning for nutrients. It’s interesting to see how the mind often tries to trick us into certain behaviours and how we comply with its logic without argument.

5. Addressing the practical reasons: Planning:

In order to address the first layer of rationale for eating when not hungry, I decided to do the following: I would plan my next meal and either have it ready in the fridge, or pack it with me to go, and then I would wait all day until I was hungry enough to eat it. I would repeatedly ask myself, every time I thought of reaching for my portions, “Am I hungry now?” And would answer that question with, “Is there a rumbling in my stomach? No? Then it’s not time to eat.”

I found it would often be a several hours later before my body would genuinely ask for the food. I also found that eating satisfied the physical hunger often much sooner than it took me to finish the food. I realized how I often eat much more food and much more often, than I genuinely need.

However, holding off eating until physical hunger arises takes a conscious effort that is often unsustainable. Few of us can move through our busy lives constantly asking ourselves how hungry we are and when, and then have food at the ready to satisfy that hunger with appropriate, healthy choices. Therefore, I used this practice as a mere stepping stone to move through the deeper layers of emotional eating. By addressing the rational and logical reasons for overeating, I was able to get in touch with the deeper, emotional (and, arguably, real) reasons for which I was eating without hunger.

6. Pealing back the layers: Understanding the deeper, emotional reasons for overeating:

For a while I would wake up, make myself a coffee, and then wait until I felt hungry. Sometimes the feeling would arise in a few minutes, sometimes it would take hours. Depending on what I’d eaten the previous day and what my activity levels were, I would often not get hungry until well into the afternoon. However, the thoughts of eating something would frequently persist. And when the thoughts came up, whereas before they would be satisfied by me having something to eat, I now resisted them. When I resisted the thoughts, their associated emotions would strengthen. I then decided to journal before reaching for food, especially when I wasn’t sure if I was actually hungry or not.

Journalling can help us pull up, process and make sense of some of our emotions. I would write about what I might be feeling—what I might be asking for that wasn’t food. Through doing this, emotional reasons for hunger began to surface. The more I held off eating, the stronger and more clear the emotions became. It was a deeply uncomfortable process. This is why we emotionally eat—removing the emotions is often far more pleasant than dealing with them.

Emotions that surfaced were anxiety, ennui, boredom, loneliness and sometimes even anger. However, boredom and a listless, almost nihilistic, sense of ennui were among the two most common emotions I realized that eating medicated for me. For me, eating was entertainment. It broke up the monotony of the day and gave my senses something to experience. It gave my body something to do: chewing, tasting and digestion. Not eating made that sense of boredom grow stronger.

7. Addressing the emotional reasons: Nurturing and preventing:

Knowing more about the root emotional causes for overeating allowed me to work more closely with the source of my behaviour. I find that the closer we get to the source, to the roots, the more effective we are at removing the weeds, or behaviours, from our lives. I knew now that if I didn’t want to overeat, I would have to prevent myself from getting bored. I would have to have checklists of things to do. I would stay active and engaged in life: in my work, my friendships, and the other non-food-related things that brought meaning to my life.

During this time, I did more yoga and meditated. I journaled and wrote. I also meditated on boredom. I traced it back to where I might have felt it in my life before and noticed themes of boredom in my childhood. I realized that the child tugging on her mother’s shirt and asking when dinner was ready was probably a child who needed something to do, a child who was bored.

8. Pealing back the layers further: Working directly with core emotions:

Going even further, we can begin to peal back the layers of the emotional reasons for overeating in order to avoid replacing one “addiction” with another—such as replacing overeating with over-busying oneself, distraction or overworking. I began to find other emotions that ran deeper than mere boredom. I also realized that whenever I had felt boredom in the past, there was a threshold, often filled with discomfort, that I would eventually surpass. Once surpassing this threshold, a well of creativity, or a plethora of interesting insights, would spring forth. I remember as a child I would create stories, or lie on my bed and stare that the ceiling of my bedroom, contemplating the nature of the universe. These beautiful moments had been made possible by boredom and my courage to not distract myself from it.

Working with a therapist, or doing some deep inner work, we can access the core beliefs and emotions that might cause these emotional reasons for overeating to exist. Oftentimes we encounter core beliefs whose effects spill out into other areas of our lives, preventing us from living fully and consciously. Working through these beliefs can be deeply satisfying and help us experience transformational self-growth.

9. Setbacks: Understanding Change Theory:

Finally, engaging in this process of self-discovery doesn’t follow the same pattern in every person. Some people may find that their reasons for overeating are dissolved as soon as they start recording the foods they eat (this is surprisingly common). Others might find that years of working with a therapist have resulted in a mere dent in their ability to eat in response to hunger and to stop unwanted eating behaviours. In most everyone progress is not linear.

Change Theory and the Stages of Change schema depicts the alteration of behaviours as cyclical, rather than linear. As we move through the stages, we enter a cycle of pre-contemplation, contemplation, planning, action and maintenance. Sometimes we fall out of the cycle and relapse. Many people working with behavioural changes and addictions prefer to rename relapse “prolapse”, claiming that prolapse is a necessary stage for continuing the cycle of change and that much is to be learned from failing at something. It is through observing how the world produces unexpected results, and then attempting to understand the unexpected while trying again, where learning takes place. We don’t really learn if we don’t fail.

Sometimes addictive behaviours, emotional eating included, worsen at a time when someone is on the verge of making a massive breakthrough. Sometimes poking at a new layer of the source of unwanted behaviour accompanies an exacerbation in the practice of that behaviour. Having curiosity and self-compassion throughout the process is essential. Savouring the increased self-awareness that comes with any effort to effect change in one’s life is part of the enjoyment of the experience.

Tired, Fat, Cold and Depressed: Treating Hypothyroidism Naturally

Tired, Fat, Cold and Depressed: Treating Hypothyroidism Naturally

New Doc 67_2I have some amazing news—my patient is better. Whereas only a few short months ago, he was plagued by inexplicable weight gain, debilitating fatigue, depressed mood—convincing him he must be suffering from clinical depression—a sore throat and an inability to regulate his temperature, now he feels normal. A few months ago, his lab results indicated a serious and spiralling case of autoimmune thyroid disease. Now the lab results shows markers that are completely within the normal limits. My patient got to where he is now naturally—he did not take a single medication. His body was unleashing an aggressive attack against his thyroid gland under a year ago. Now, his thyroid is healthy, happy and working normally. My patient is back to work, exercising, traveling, feeling happy, fulfilled and creative. He is no longer suffering.

The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is an important organ. Shaped like a butterfly and located right below the Adam’s Apple on the front of the neck, it has a variety of essential, life-sustaining tasks. The thyroid is responsible for maintaining our body’s metabolic function. It keeps our cells busy, and allows us to convert our food and fat energy into important metabolic functions. It regulates our hormones, cardiovascular system, skin and hair health, contributes to mood, regulates body temperature, balances estrogen and progesterone in females, thereby contributing to healthy fertility, and helps with the functioning of the immune system.

However, as important as the thyroid gland is, it’s also the body’s “canary in the coal mine”, susceptible to the smallest changes in our health status. Physical, mental and emotional stress can contribute to declines in healthy thyroid functioning, as can exposure to environmental toxins, inflammation and deficiencies in important nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium and iodine. Because of the thyroid’s senstivities, however, we can use impending thyroid symptoms as signs of overall body imbalance. Therefore, treating thyroid symptoms at their root is important for restoring our bodies to mental, emotional and physical health.

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Most commonly, when the health of the thyroid gland is affected, it’s functions decline, causing hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid. Hypothyroidism of any cause is the most common thyroid condition and is very common in the general population, affecting about 4-8% of North Americans. The symptoms range from mildly upsetting to debilitating and can show up in a variety of the body’s organ systems. They include feelings of puffiness, especially of the face, caused by water retention; fatigue; dry skin and hair; hair loss; constipation and slow digestion; mental depression and low mood; acne; mental sluggishness, brain fog and poor memory and concentration; menstrual irregularities, heavy or scanty menstrual flow; infertility; cold hands and feet; orange-tinted skin; and, of course, weight gain that is unexplained by changes to diet and activity levels.

Bloating, yeast overgrowth and dysbiosis can occur from hypothyroidism when the core body temperature drops below 37 degrees Celsius. A cooler body temperature due to under-active thyroid can upset the intestinal flora and cause an overgrowth in harmful bacteria and yeast, causing further fatigue, weight gain, depression and digestive symptoms.

Diagnosis and Lab Testing

In the standard medical model, thyroid conditions are screened by testing a hormone called TSH, or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. TSH is not a thyroid hormone, but a hormone produced by the brain that signals the thyroid to work. Through measuring TSH, doctors can tell indirectly how hard the thyroid is working. Is TSH is high, it can indicate a sluggish thyroid, since it is requiring more stimulation from the brain. Lower TSH levels may indicate that the thyroid is working fine. So, the higher the TSH levels, the more sluggish the thyroid. However, the reference ranges for TSH are from 0.3 to 5 U/ml, which indicates a wide range of possible thyroid states. A TSH under 5 will not be flagged by a medical doctor as being hypothyroid, even though symptoms may be present!

More progressive clinicians start to become concerned about thyroid function when symptoms are present and TSH is above 2.5 U/ml. Therefore, many patients with under-active thyroid and upsetting thyroid symptoms may be told by their doctors that everything is fine, delaying treatment and invalidating their decision to seek help.

When TSH is off, doctors then test the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. (There is also T1, T2 and calcitonin). The thyroid makes the hormones T3 (20%) and T4 (80%) but the active hormone that allows the thyroid to exert it’s effects on the body is T3. T4 must be converted to T3 by the body. Problems of conversion of T4 to T3 can be caused by stress and inflammation. It may be helpful for your doctor to test for reverse T3, a hormone that is created from T4 if the body is in a state of imbalance.

To detect if hypothyroidism is caused by autoimmune disease, also known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, doctors will test for antibodies that attack the thyroid, anti-TPO and anti-thyroglobulin. An imbalance in the immune system and inflammation in the body, often caused by stress, can cause the body’s own immune system to attack the thyroid gland, preventing it from working properly.

Treat the Patient, Not the Disease

Naturopathic and functional medicine aims to use lab testing to detect patterns that are playing out below the surface of the body. We connect signs and symptoms and labs, not to diagnose a disease but to look at patterns of imbalance that are playing out in our patients’ bodies before disease sets in. This allows us to intervene before things are too late and healing becomes more difficult.

The Cause of Hypothyroidism

Gluten: There are numerous studies that link thyroid issues to celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. In one study of 100 patients, hypothyroid symptoms were reversed after following a completely gluten-free diet for 6 months. 

Goitrogens: Soy, raw cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.), nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes eggplant, etc.) and coffee can act as “goitrogens”, suppressing the thyroid. Lightly cooking leafy greens, avoiding soy, especially processed, GMO soy, coffee and nightshades is helpful for avoiding the thyroid-suppressive effects of these foods.

Leaky gut: Food sensitivities, bacterial imbalance, antibiotic use, stress, excess alcohol and caffeine and intestinal infections can disrupt the barrier between the intestine and the rest of the body. Termed “intestinal permeability” or “leaky gut” this condition is getting increasing attention for being the root cause of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Identifying food sensitivities through an IgG blood test or trial-and-error and then healing the gut for 3-6 months is essential for getting thyroid health on track.

Dysbiosis: There is a close correlation between thyroid health and the health of the gut bacteria. Every human has 4-5 lbs of essential, life-giving bacteria living in their intestinal track. These bacteria help us break down food, help train our immune system and product hormones like thyroid hormone and serotonin, the happy hormone. It is estimated that 20% of thyroid hormones are produced by gut bacteria. Therefore a disruption in gut bacteria can wipe out the body’s ability to regulate the thyroid and metabolism effectively.

Environmental toxins: Toxic estrogens, heavy metals and other environmental toxins can suppress thyroid function. The thyroid gland is a sponge that is susceptible to whatever toxic burden the body is under and therefore, thyroid issues may be the first sign that the body is under toxic stress. 2-3 yearly detoxes are recommended to improve liver health, decrease the toxic burden and support a healthy thyroid. Detoxes are best done by eating a clean, grain-free diet and detoxifying the home by reducing exposure to pesticides, radiation, tobacco smoke, excessive alcohol, mercury from fish and silver fillings, bromide, fluoride and chloride (from swimming pools), which can decrease the body’s ability to absorb iodide.

Stress: Stress can suppress thyroid function by preventing the conversion of T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. During stress, T4 becomes something called “reverse T3”. Both cortisol and thyroid hormones require the amino acid tyrosine for their production. Therefore, during times of the stress, when the demands on the body for making cortisol are higher, not as many resources may be used to produce thyroid hormones and hypothyroid symptoms may result. Ensuring proper cortisol function and decreasing stress is important for recovering from thyroid symptoms.

Nutrient deficiency: Thyroid hormones are made of tyrosine and iodine. A deficiency in protein and iodine may result in an inability of the body to make thyroid hormone. Selenium is also important for converting T4 to T3. Zinc and iron are also important for proper thyroid functions and, in modern day society, these deficiencies are very common.

Inflammation: Using high omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from fish, rhemannia and turmeric can help bring down systemic inflammation and decrease autoimmunity, thereby working to treat autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and restoring thyroid function.

A Word On Medication

Synthroid is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone T4. When prescribed, it can replace the need for the thyroid to act and help the body get back into balance. However, since T4 must be converted to T3 in order to become active, simply adding Synthroid may not be enough to eradicate thyroid symptoms if there is a problem converting T4 to T3, such as selenium deficiency, dysbiosis, inflammation or stress. Furthermore, when the cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune, this means that there are antibodies attacking the thyroid, not that there is something wrong with the thyroid itself. Without addressing the underlying autoimmunity and inflammation, patients will only need to eventually continue to increase their Synthroid dosage as the ability of the thyroid to function gradually decreases.

For more information on how to address thyroid symptoms naturally, contact me for a free 15-minute consultation.

“Fat” is not a Feeling

I’m tucking away at the cake again because the people who’ve invited me for dinner have dessert. Dessert: the gluten-y, sugar-y, dough-y sweetness of relief from deprivation, the dopamine and serotonin rush when the food smashes against my lips, teeth and tongue and gets swallowed, in massive globs, into my stomach. The desire for more smashes maddeningly around my skull. Getting the next fix is all I can think about. I reach for another slice when no one is looking. I guess some people call this binging, a complete loss of control around “forbidden” foods. All I care about is devouring another bite, and feeling the euphoric blood sugar rush that flushes me with giddiness and good feelings before the shame sets in.

One I’ve begun to indulge, however, the voice demanding more exits stage left and is replaced with a little gremlin who fills my head with sneering and loathsome disparagement. It doesn’t speak in whole sentences, but rather in snippets, sentence fragments and hateful keywords. Sugarrr…. it hisses, gluten, bloating… FAT! Ugly, worthless…No control, no willpower, useless… failure…FAT! Not that the cake contains fat, but fat is what I will become when I allow the cake to become a part of me, the little evil voice suggests. Sometimes I can temporarily drown out his voice by eating more cake, which only makes him louder once all the cake is gone or my stomach groans with fullness.

I’ve come to realize that this cycle can be set off with feelings of boredom, anxiety and, most of all, hunger. A low-calorie diet, detox or a period of controlled eating leaves me susceptible to these binge lapses. It’s taken me the better part of 30 years to figure that out. However, stress can also send me to the pantry, digging out whatever sugary treats I can find. And so the cycle of loss of control followed by self-loathing begins.

The next day, or even within the next few hours, I feel fat.

Fat feels a certain way to me. It feels physical: puffy, bloated and sick. Most of all, it feels like I’ve done something wrong, that I am wrong. It brings with it feelings of lethargy and heaviness, not the light, perkiness I associate with health and femininity. I feel gross, unworthy of good things: attention, love, affection. I feel like I’ve failed. I feel like I’ve lost control of myself. For, if I can’t even control when I shove in my mouth, how can I have power over anything else in life?

However, a person can’t really feel fat. I mean, especially not after only a day of overeating.

And besides, fat is not a feeling.

Perhaps fat was a stand-in feeling for other difficult emotions my childhood brain couldn’t fully comprehend. Like the time I wrote in my diary, at the age of 8 years old, That’s it, I’m fat, I’m going on a diet. From now on, I’m only eating sandwiches. Funny and touching, but also sad, I wonder what 8-year-old me was really feeling when she claimed to feel “fat”. Perhaps she felt helpless, out of control, different from the herd and hopeless about fitting in.

If I pause to peer below the surface of “fat”, I find other words or cognitive connections that underlie it. When I feel “fat” I also feel out of control, worthless, lonely, like a failure. I sometimes feel sad and anxious. Sometimes I simply feel full, like I’ve fed myself, and as I’ve often heard repeated, “It’s important to leave a meal feeling a little bit hungry”, the feeling of being fed can induce feelings of guilt.

Everywhere we look, the media equates “healthy” with thin, glistening bodies. Fitness models with amenorrheic abs, bounce back and forth on splayed legs in front of a full make-up, costume, lighting and camera team to simulate the image of running through a field. “Losing weight” equals “getting fit” equals “being healthy”. As a society we’ve failed to ask ourselves what “health” might mean and instead deliver the whole concept over to impossible standards of beauty, making “health” as unachievable as the stringy bodies that represent it. While I intellectually know that this isn’t the case, that health comes in all sizes—and may actually hover around “plus” sizes, in actual fact—restriction has been imprinted in my brain as a sign of healthy self-control.

But, maybe the definition of health needs to come from digging within and asking the question What does health mean to you? Perhaps the body knows more than the marketing media does about what it needs for health. Maybe, just sometimes, it needs cake to be healthy. Maybe even the act of overindulgence is healthy sometimes.

Perhaps if I give my body enough of the healthy food and fuel it needs, it won’t go crazy the next time it sees cake. When we try to murder ourselves by holding our breath to stop our breathing, we pass out. The body deems us too irresponsible to control the precious task of breathing and so it turns the lights out on conscious breath control. Our very own physiology doesn’t trust our conscious thought if we abuse it. So, when I force my body to survive and thrive on restrictions, self-hate and negative talk, perhaps it induces a binge. Maybe I binge to survive. Or maybe my body loves cake as much as I do.

Instead of feeling like a failure, because I didn’t win the fight against my body, perhaps I should respectfully hand it back the reins and tell it, with my conscious mind, “I trust you, I respect you, I’ll listen to you more carefully from now on.”

And, like Marie Antoinette once granted her people, I can grant my body permission, and let it eat cake.

Balancing Hormones for Healthy Weight Loss

Balancing Hormones for Healthy Weight Loss

New Doc 8_5This is a common story that can describe any number of patients I see in my private practice: My patient has been doing well–she’s been exercising regularly; she’s been cutting out sugar and processed foods and watching what she eats. She’s been having salads for lunch. She’s even gotten her husband on board! He’s started to have salads for lunch with his cheeseburger (instead of fries) and given up having a row of cookies in the evening. All things considered, she’s been doing great. However, despite her best efforts, after one month of tiresome slog, restriction and dedication, she’s only managed to lose a few pounds. Her husband? He’s lost 10.

“He has more to lose,” I suggest to her. “Those few pounds you’ve lost are gone for life—slow and steady stays off forever.” I am her cheerleader, but the truth is: hormones, especially when it comes to women.

Hormones are the body’s telegrams. They are produced in glands in tissue like the gut, ovaries, adrenals and brain and act on distant cells in the body, telling them how to behave. When it comes to weight loss, hormones can be the culprit if diet and exercise have failed to produce results. Hormones control appetite, mood, food cravings, metabolic rate, fat gain and distribution and hunger, among other things. Any hormonal imbalance will sabotage weight loss efforts and it’s often the first place I look when a patient has weight loss goals that they aren’t achieving with diet and exercise alone.

The Players:

There are numerous hormones in the body that are responsible for the above actions, however the main ones that we can affect through diet and lifestyle are insulin, cortisol, estrogen and the thyroid hormones. These are just some key players in a team, however just by working on these four, we can start to see results.


Hormones are complex entities, not only for the wide array of effects, but for their tendency to effect the action of each other. For example, high cortisol can effect levels of estrogen, insulin and the thyroid hormones. High insulin can affect cortisol and estrogen. And so on. Working on hormones is like attacking a giant knot and often requires starting from the basics: diet and lifestyle.

Insulin Imbalance:

Insulin is an important hormone in the body—we can’t live without it. Released by the pancreas after a carbohydrate-rich meal in response to rising levels of sugar in the blood, insulin gets sugar into cells where it can be used as fuel. It also brings down blood sugar, making it a main culprit in hypoglycemic crashes and sugar cravings. The problem with insulin, however, is when we overeat carbohydrates and sugar, we overuse the insulin response. The result is abdominal fat, weight gain (insulin tells the body to store fat), a blood sugar roller coaster, mood swings (that “hangry” feeling) and intense sugar cravings and energy crashes.

Balancing Insulin:

Insulin is best balanced by diet, particularly managing carbohydrate intake and emphasizing healthy fats and protein in the diet. Fat and protein slow sugar absorption. This prevents a rise in blood sugar and decreases the need for insulin. The result is feeling satiated for longer, having stable energy and decreasing food cravings.

Morning protein:

The first step in balancing insulin release is to increase morning protein. I recommend aiming for 30 g of good quality, lean protein for breakfast like a chicken breast, or scoop of whey isolate protein powder in a whole foods smoothie. I was once accused jokingly of “not knowing that breakfast is”, when recommending chicken breasts for breakfast. However, perhaps it’s North America that has a skewed sense of what makes a decent morning meal. If the aim of breakfast is to break the fast that you’ve had throughout the night, then starting it off with a high-carb, high-sugar, nutrient-sparse piece of toast or bowl of breakfast cereal seems crazy to me. In Colombia and India, two places I’ve spent some time, we started off the day with a protein-rich stew or meat soup.

To balance insulin make sure that every meal, even snacks, contain some form of protein or a fat. Avoid eating carbohydrates by themselves and keep servings of carbs to a minimum and in their unprocessed, whole form (like large flake oats, quinoa and brown rice as opposed to flours or cereals).

Cortisol Imbalance:

One of the main hormone imbalances I notice when it comes to stubborn weight gain is cortisol imbalance. Cortisol is the stress hormone. It’s released by the adrenal glands, two pyramid-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidneys, in response to stress. Animals have two modes of operation: fight or flight or rest and digest. Cortisol increases blood sugar and alertness and tells the body to divert attention to gearing us up for combat or escape, and moves us away from investing energy in digestion, immunity and concentration. Cortisol is a wonderful hormone; it keeps us awake, and makes us feel alert and well, priming us to be effective in our busy, stressful lives. However, our bodies weren’t made for long-term stress response and we spend most of our time in fight or flight mode.

Cortisol and blood sugar:

Cortisol raises blood sugar, causing insulin to be released. This starts us on a blood sugar roller coaster trip, leading to sugar cravings, energy crashes and storing fat.

Cortisol and fat distribution:

Cortisol doesn’t directly tell the body to store fat (it happens through other mechanisms that happen in response to high cortisol), but it does encourage fat redistribution. Cortisol tells the body to move fat from the hips and thighs and deposit in the abdomen, face and shoulders, leading to the sexy “Buffalo Hump”. We know that abdominal fat carries more health risks than fat in other areas of the body so this detail can be troublesome when it comes to long-term effects.

Cortisol and the thyroid:

Cortisol impacts the thyroid by preventing the conversion of T4 to the more active T3. T3 and T4 are important thyroid hormones that set the body’s metabolic rate, among other things.

Cortisol and the sex hormones:

Cortisol can lead to estrogen dominance by diverting resources away from estrogen and progesterone production. In menopause, this is particularly troublesome, as the body relies on the adrenal glands, rather than the ovaries, to produce the sex hormones. High cortisol can result in progesterone deficiency and estrogen dominance symptoms, which can negatively affect weight loss. Cortisol also causing accelerated aging and who wants that?

Cortisol Balancing:

The main thing when it comes to cortisol balancing is to Calm Down—or as I like to poignantly put it, Calm the F#$% Down. The way this is done is highly individualized. Some recommendations I have are: meditation, yoga, exploring acupuncture (a wonderful way to balance cortisol, among other things), journaling, taking a day off, re-evaluating priorities at work and at home, etc. Mainly, getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is essential for managing the stress response.

Taking it easy:

When it comes to weight loss, I often notice that certain efforts hinder our progress. It’s important to keep caloric intake adequate—eating too few calories can stress the body out, causing cortisol release. It’s also important to manage exercise. While exercise can teach the body how to manage stress, it does produce cortisol in the short-term. Therefore it’s important to keep exercise short and intense. Weight-training, short bursts of cardio (no more than 20 minutes) and varying intensities with High Intensity Interval Training, Tabata or Crossfit, are the best choices for weight loss. Training for a marathon or long-distance bike race may be fun and fulfilling, but they are not the best choices for weight loss, as they prolong the stress response and can work against you, rather than in your favour.

When I have a patient who is intensely tracking what they eat and over-exercising my advice is often (and it’s not that well-received, as you can imagine) “Take it easy”. Easing up on exercise and relaxing calorie-counting may be hidden pieces in the weight loss game.

Herbs and supplements:

There are a variety of nutrients to take to support adrenal function. The main things to consider, with the advice and counsel of a trained naturopathic doctor are B-vitamins, magnesium and adaptogenic herbs (the help the body adapt to stress).

Estrogen Dominance:

Estrogen, actually a group of hormones, are female sex hormones. Their main job is to promote the expression of female sex characteristics, the growth of breast tissue and to control ovulation. Estrogen also causes body to fat to be distributed to the thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen. The problem with modern society is an imbalance in the two female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Due to stress and toxic environmental estrogens, or xenoestrogens, among other things, modern women have more estrogen relative to progesterone in their bodies. The effects of this are numerous and include, stubborn weight gain in the thighs (the famed “saddlebags), cellulite, acne, PMS, painful menstrual periods, fibroids, hormonal conditions such as PCOS, and the occurrence of certain female cancers, especially breast cancer. Estrogen can also contribute significantly to anxiety symptoms.

Estrogen balancing:

Correcting estrogen dominance primarily involves supporting estrogen detox pathways in the liver. Chemicals such as I3C, DIIM and calcium-d-glucarate help increase the liver’s ability to clear foreign estrogens from the body. Supporting digestive health also allows us to remove estrogens—they are neutralized in the liver and eliminated through the colon. Leafy greens contain a high amount of these chemicals, so ensuring you get adequate amounts in your diet is important for estrogen metabolism. Ground flaxseed, rosemary and fish oil are also important nutrients for clearing excess estrogen from the body.

Reducing exposure:

Try to reduce exposure to foreign estrogens by avoiding the use of plastic bottles and plastic-lined cans, using natural skincare and body products and natural cleaning aids whenever possible. It’s also important to see a naturopathic doctor 2-4 times a year for a medically-assisted natural detoxification to clear the body of toxic estrogens.


The thyroid gland sits on the neck, just below the Adam’s Apple. It releases two hormones T4, and the more active T3. These hormones are responsible for setting the body’s metabolic rate—converting fat into heat and energy. Thyroid deficiency, or hypothyroidism is more common in our society than we think (naturopathic doctors have stricter criteria for laboratory reference ranges than conventional medicine—we look for signs of health, not disease). Conventional medicine deems hypothyroidism as having a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level above 5—for this hormone, all you need to know is lower is better—however ND’s will start to treat the thyroid when symptoms are present and TSH is above 2.5. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are stubborn weight gain, constipation, feeling cold, fatigue, especially brain fog, weak memory, hair loss, dry skin and thinning of the eyebrows.

Supporting the thyroid:

The thyroid gland is a fragile organ, sensitive to inflammation and stress. When there is inflammation in the body, often caused by stress, diet or insulin resistance, the thyroid is the first gland to suffer. Most cases of hypothyroidism are autoimmune in nature. Therefore, naturopathic doctors aim to correct inflammation by prescribing an anti-inflammatory diet and looking for food sensitivities. When we identify food sensitivities (through specialized IgG antibody testing or an elimination diet) and remove them from the diet, we can focus on gut healing which treats inflammation and helps repair the thyroid.

Managing stress:

Low calorie diets have the effect of suppressing thyroid function, which leads to the yo-yo dieting effect. Avoid extremely low calorie diets, or opt for intermittent fasting or calorie-cycling instead. Aim for slow and steady weight loss so as not to harm metabolic rate, which makes weight loss more difficult in the long run.

I previously mentioned that cortisol can harm the thyroid and that hormones are interlinked. Cortisol prevents the conversion of T4 to the more active T3, which can slow metabolism.


A deficiency in iodine, zinc, iron and selenium, among other nutrients, can negatively impact the thyroid. Talk your naturopathic doctor about testing and supplementation.


What would a visit to a naturopathic doctor look like? When it comes to hormones, treatment is often complex as it targets the root cause of symptoms and involves detangling the complicated web of hormones that are at play. This can require some diagnostic detective work. A naturopathic doctor will take your complete health history, order labs and perform physical exams if necessary. A common treatment plan might look like this:

  1. Sleep: 7-9 hours per night
  2. Take stress seriously: sign up for a round of acupuncture, start meditation, do yoga, journal, etc.
  3. Measure hormones via saliva: cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone
  4. Identify food sensitivities via an elimination diet or an IgG Food Panel that tests for antibodies to certain foods in the blood.
  5. Correct nutritient deficiencies through diet and supplementation
  6. Herbs for hormonal support: estrogen detoxification, thyroid support, gut healing, adrenal support, glucose control and blood sugar balancing.
  7. Exercise: short, intense bursts that target muscle-building
  8. Diet: high protein, especially in the morning, healthy fats, low carbs and eliminate sugar, processed foods and food sensitivities.

To learn more about how naturopathic medicine can help you lose weight, balance hormones and fight disease, contact my clinic Bloor West Wellness at 416 588 0400 to set up an initial appointment. Let’s get started today!

Want to balance your hormones, energy and mood naturally? Check out my 6-week foundational membership program Good Mood Foundations.

Self-Care Practices for Constipation

Self-Care Practices for Constipation

New Doc 8_4I feel sorry for the digestive tracts of this nation, I really do. The owners of these digestive tracts have my sympathy as well—there really is nothing so bad as pooping too much or not pooping enough. Sometimes it’s hard to know which one is worse. Having regular and healthy bowel movements (1-3 times a day) is an essential foundation of good health—regular elimination helps us remove toxins and waste from the body, keeping us energized and well.

A series of patients often come through my office with chronic constipation that is unrelieved by supplements and diet. Most people are getting enough fruits and vegetables or have added more of these foods to their diets and still have a hard time keeping things moving in the lower abdominal quadrants. Since promoting healthy motility is often about daily self-care practices, I’ve complied my list of constipation home-care protocols here, for easy reference. While there are herbs and supplements that can improve motility, add fibre and draw water into the colon and promote healthy elimination, there are also foundational daily practices that must be incorporated as well.


A no-brainer: we all know that if stools are dry and hard to pass, we need to increase the lubrication of the digestive tract. Gradually increasing your fluid intake by one glass (250 ml) of water per day per week will help your body adjust so that you’re not sent running to the washroom every ten minutes.

Most importantly, however, I like to tell my patients to start the day with a large glass (500 ml) of room temperature water, consumed at once, first thing in the morning. This stimulates the gastrocolic reflex, by filling the stomach with water. In a healthy digestive tract, the contents of the intestine should move through the gut and enter the colon over night where they await the morning meal. Stimulating digestion by ingesting a modest amount of water first thing in the morning can stimulate the contraction of the colon and encourage a bowel movement. Keeping water warm or at room temperature, rather than cold, prevents the water from seizing up the body’s sphincters and allows things to keep moving. This practice also guarantees half a litre of water consumption a day, which we know is essential for proper colon health.

Listening to the body:

Slow motility is often a response to lifestyle. Our bodies send gentle cues to our conscious brains that it’s time to have a bowel movement and oftentimes these cues are ignored. Perhaps we’re in traffic, or rushing out the door, or in a meeting. Perhaps we’re afraid to use the washroom at work, where the acoustics are less-than-ideal. However, when we ignore the calls of nature, we often miss our chance to have a bowel movement for that day. If this has become a reality for you, some bowel retraining might be in order. Bowel retraining involves picking a time of day when it would be most convenient to have a bowel movement—right after breakfast is often a good time—and sitting on the toilet for 10 to 20 minutes. This daily practice will help teach your bowels when a good time to go is, as well as make you conscious of making daily elimination a priority. Think of it as “potty training” for adults.


We all know that regular bowel movements require an adequate amount of dietary fibre. Fibre creates bulk in the intestines, feeds healthy gut bacteria and increases stool weight. A healthy diet contains at least 25 grams of fibre a day from whole food sources. However, when it comes to constipation, not all fibres are created equally. While soluble fibre, from things like chia seeds, oats and legumes has been shown to decrease cholesterol absorption in the gut, it can actually serve to bung us up more. Insoluble fibre, like the kind found in apple skins, flax and wheat bran, can help bulk up the stools and keep things moving smoothly along the digestive tract.

To increase insoluble fibre in the diet, I recommend 2 tbs of ground flaxseed (you can add it to smoothies, morning cereal or the morning 500 ml glass of water) a day. This not only helps promote bowel movements, it also provides healthy omega 3 fats and estrogen-balancing properties for healthy hormones.

As fibre needs to absorb water in order to promote healthy excretion, it is important to prioritize fluid intake. A study involving 63 participants showed that the more fibre they consumed, the more constipated they became. The researchers likened this phenomenon to a traffic jam—add more cars and you simply worsen the traffic jam. Therefore, it’s important to keep the gut sufficiently lubricated to encourage proper motility.

Castor oil packs and self-massage:

Castor oil can help promote smooth muscle motility when applied topically to the abdomen. I instruct patients to massage a liberal amount of oil over the entire abdomen (bra-line to underwear line) and either place a hot water bottle over the area for one hour or leave the oil on overnight. Self-massage paired with castor oil are effective at helping things move more regularly throughout the night. A word of caution, however: castor oil should not be used in pregnancy and before an expected menstrual period as it can stimulate the contraction of the uterus. Castor oil also has the potential to stain clothes and bedsheets, so take extra care.

Pelvic tilt:

A few years ago, the Squatty Potty was all the rage. This new, rather expensive tool, claimed to change the angle that the legs make with the torso, encouraging pelvic floor muscle relaxation and relaxation of the muscles around the anal sphincter. The principles makes sense—we humans have evolved to evacuate our bowels in a squatting position. This increases abdominal pressure and causes puborectalis muscle relaxation, allowing us to have a strain-free experience. The modern toilet, however, does not encourage this angle, which the makers of Squatty Potty claim is the reason that constipation issues are so rampant in Western society. I encourage purchasing a 1-ft high washroom stool to place under the feet while going to the washroom to promote proper posture and sphincter opening.


Daily exercise promotes bowel movements by increasing metabolism, increasing intra-abdominal pressure and strengthening abdominal muscles. Getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise (walking, swimming, cycling, etc.) and performing squats are excellent ways of promoting healthy elimination.

Talk to your naturopathic doctor:

Supplements such as magnesium, vitamin C, probiotics and certain herbs such as burdock, peppermint, chamomile and chicory can also help with constipation. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about what doses, brands and supplements are right for you. Acupuncture and hydrotherapy are also useful treatments. Try to avoid methods that only offer temporary relief from constipation, such as laxative use. These can help in the short term, but like most short-term treatments, can worsen symptoms in the long term and further exacerbate your efforts to promote healthy bowel movements over time.

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