
Pancakes for breakfast can only mean a few things: a lazy Sunday morning, the first morning of a long break (like Christmas) or vacation! All great things, it’s no wonder I love pancakes. There really is nothing like lazily flipping over a page of the thick weekend paper, sipping the forbidden juice of strongly-brewed arabica coffee beans and helping yourself to yet another delicious flapjack. Fortunately, you can have your pancakes (and eat them too) without encouraging full-body inflammation and upsetting your hormone balance. These babies are fit for any Elimination Diet and I’m pretty sure can fool your grandparents into thinking they’re the real (i.e.: wheat flour and actual whole-fat buttermilk) deal.

Blueberry Coconut “Buttermilk” Pancakes



1 and 1/3 cup of all-purpose gluten free flour (a mixture of quinoa, brown rice and almond flour)

1 tbs arrowroot or cornstarch

1 tbs baking powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 tbs olive oil

1 tbs honey

2 large eggs

1 cup almond milk (unsweetened original)

1 tsp lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar)

1 tsp vanilla extract


1/4 cup shredded coconut

2 cups frozen blueberries



Mix together ingredients. Heat large pan on medium, grease with olive oil. Administer small portions (about 3-4 inches in diameter) of pancakes. Cook on both sides.


These pancakes cook quickly so watch for browning and then flip. Serve warm with a freshly delivered newspaper, a pot of freshly brewed coffee (with almond milk) and organic maple syrup. Don’t be afraid to linger at the breakfast table all morning.

Have a delicious day!


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