One of my favourite herbs to treat skin is calendula, or marigold. The bright orange petals from this pretty flower helps soothe and moisturize minor cuts, burns, bruises and scratches, helping to increase the speed of wound-healing and decrease infection.  Calendula is also used to treat dermatitis or other itchy skin conditions, especially allergic conditions like poison ivy rash or bug bites, or can simply be used as a skin moisturizer, improving skin health and appearance.

Calendula helps reduce the appearance of scars and helps moisturize and soothe dry, fall skin (especially if you’ve been taking a bit too much advantage of the waning sun’s rays) and even lips and hair. Some calendula-containing creams can be expensive, but here is a simple, no-fuss and cost-effective method for making a calendula-infused oil, which can be applied directly to skin and is safe enough to treat the entire family, without the added chemicals that you might find in commercial products.

You need:

– dried calendula petals

– olive oil

– one mason jar

– a slow cooker

– a strainer, small bowl and cheese cloth (optional)


1) Pack a mason jar full of calendula petals.

2) Fill the jar to the top with olive oil.

3) Place the jar in a slow cooker.  Fill the pot 1/3 of way with water, leaving the lid off.

4) Cook this concoction on low for 8 hours, or overnight.

5) Remove the jar from the slow cooker and strain out the petals, using a small bowl and a strainer or cheese cloth to get out the rest of the oil.

6) Pour calendula-infused oil back into the mason jar (or any other pretty container you might have) and apply the infusion to itchy, dry skin or over fresh scars, minor cuts or scratches.  The oil turns out creamy and smooth, absorbs quickly into skin and feels cool and soothing.  It’s excellent for doing self-massages over the entire body, using for spot treatment on problem areas or as a moisturizer for fall.

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