DIY: Calendula Oil Infusion

DIY: Calendula Oil Infusion

One of my favourite herbs to treat skin is calendula, or marigold. The bright orange petals from this pretty flower helps soothe and moisturize minor cuts, burns, bruises and scratches, helping to increase the speed of wound-healing and decrease infection.  Calendula is also used to treat dermatitis or other itchy skin conditions, especially allergic conditions like poison ivy rash or bug bites, or can simply be used as a skin moisturizer, improving skin health and appearance.


Naturopathic Medicine, EBM and the Skeptic

It seems that, for every person who embraces the idea of holistic medicine with open arms and an open mind, there is at least one skeptic who refuses to acknowledge that alternative medical practices not only exist, but  are growing in popularity, helping thousands of people and, most likely, are here to stay.


Colombia: a Tale of Three Dishes

Colombia: a Tale of Three Dishes

It´s been a while since I´ve talked about food on this blog, which is a shame, since this blog is about naturopathic medicine and, as Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine.”  Any naturopathic doctor will tell you that a great diet is the key to health, happiness and longevity.  I´ve just gotten back from my fourth trip to Colombia and have decided to reflect on my most recent experience with Colombian cuisine.


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